
Find out what's happening in your local community. Use the map or the search and filter below to read BLM Announcements by region.
Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
Nevada, Mount Lewis FO

BLM completes analysis for proposed geothermal exploration in Nevada


California, Northern California DO

BLM Fleener Creek Trailhead in the Lost Coast Headlands closed indefinitely


BLM to extend seasonal closure in South Hills

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Burley Field Office will extend the seasonal motorized travel closure in the South Hills area, south of Twin Falls, to Sunday, March 24.

Montana-Dakotas, Eastern Montana/Dakotas DO

BLM extends sequestration project comment period to April 17

MILES CITY, Mont. – The Bureau of Land Management has extended the public comment period on the environmental assessment for the Denbury Carbon Solutions, LLC proposal to construct and

Montana-Dakotas, Western Montana DO

Dillon BLM opens Medicine Lodge Watershed Environmental Assessment comment period

DILLON, Mont.— The Bureau of Land Management’s Dillon Field Office released the Medicine Lodge Watershed Environmental Assessment today, opening a public comment period that closes

Utah, Paria River DO

Earth Day poster contest asks students to focus on “Healthy World, Healthy Home”

KANAB, Utah —

Montana-Dakotas, Western Montana DO

Dillon BLM releases Grasshopper Watershed Environmental Assessment

DILLON, Mont.— The Bureau of Land Management’s Dillon Field Office has released the Grasshopper Watershed Environmental Assessment, opening a public comment period that closes Apri

California, Bishop FO

Bishop Field Office offering Scan and Pay option for camp fees