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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
Colorado, Rocky Mountain DO

Rocky Mountain Resource Advisory Council sets 2025 meeting dates

The Bureau of Land Management’s Rocky Mountain Resource Advisory Council has set meeting dates for the 2025 calendar year.
New Mexico, Pecos DO

BLM seeks public comment for oil and gas lease reinstatements in New Mexico

The BLM New Mexico State Office today opened a 30-day public comment period to receive public input on 7 oil and gas parcels totaling 4,666.69 acres that may be included in an upcoming lease reinstatement in New Mexico.
California, California Desert DO

BLM approves small parcel of land sale to Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway

The Bureau of Land Management today announced approval of a noncompetitive sale of approximately 30 acres of public lands in San Bernardino County to Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, which will use the land for the Barstow International Gateway project, an approximately 4,500-acre, $1.5-billion integrated rail facility that would transfer goods from international to domestic containers and create roughly 20,000 new jobs while helping to address logistics and supply chain issues. The project is also expected to help reduce freeway congestion around the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
Idaho, Coeur d Alene FO

BLM’s Coeur d’Alene Field Office to implement day-use fees to improve recreational experience

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has approved business plans to collect day-use fees and improve the visitor experience at three recreation sites managed by the Coeur d’Alene Field Office.
Nevada, Winnemucca DO

Nevada communities invited to apply for fire mitigation funding

BLM Nevada and the Nevada Fire Chiefs Association launch the Wildfire Risk Reduction Program. Grants of up to $75,000 are available to Nevada groups for fuels reduction and wildland fire education and outreach.
Colorado, Upper Colorado River DO

BLM to charge new fees to benefit Upper Colorado River special recreation management areas

The Bureau of Land Management announced new fees for special recreation management areas managed by the Colorado River Valley and Kremmling Field Offices yesterday in the Federal Register.
Idaho, Boise DO

Temporary closure in effect to mitigate stress to wildlife due to loss of winter forage in Paddock Fire burn scar

The BLM is enacting a temporary closure to motorized vehicles across 109,704 acres of BLM lands and roads within the Paddock Fire burn scar. The closure is effective immediately through April 30, 2025.
Alaska, Glennallen FO

BLM seeks public input on draft business plan for Glennallen Field Office recreation site

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is sharing a draft business plan for recreation fees for scenic outdoor areas within the 4.8 million acres of the BLM Glennallen Field Office.
Nevada, Southern Nevada DO

Bureau of Land Management announces new Southern Nevada District Office Manager

The Bureau of Land Management has selected Kim Liebhauser as the new Southern Nevada District Manager.
Oregon-Washington, Medford DO

East Applegate Ridge Trailhead closed Jan. 13–31

The Bureau of Land Management will close the East Applegate Ridge Trailhead access from Sterling Creek Road Jan. 13 through Jan. 31 for public safety.

BLM offers reward for assistance in wild horse shooting investigation in Beaver County

The BLM is seeking the public's assistance in the investigation of the shooting deaths of three wild horses in the Mineral Range Mountains, located northwest of Minersville Reservoir. A $5,000 reward is being offered for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.