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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
Colorado, Southwest DO

National Public Lands Day projects planned for BLM Colorado Southwest District

Join in one of the volunteer opportunities happening across the BLM Colorado Southwest District over the coming weeks in celebration of National Public Lands Day.
Colorado, Uncompahgre FO

BLM prescribed fires planned on Carpenter Ridge and West Dolores Rim

BLM Tres Rios and Uncompahgre field offices plan to conduct prescribed fire treatments on Carpenter Ridge and West Dolores Rim this fall to reduce hazardous fuels and improve ecosystem health.

BLM seeks public comment for January 2025 oil and gas lease sale in Montana and North Dakota

The Bureau of Land Management Montana State Office today opened a 30-day public comment period to receive public input on 13 oil and gas parcels totaling 1,324 acres that may be included in an upcoming lease sale.
Oregon-Washington, Coos Bay DO

North Spit Boat Ramp dock repairs underway

The Bureau of Land Management’s scheduled repairs to the damaged docks at the North Spit Boat Ramp will begin August 26, 2024.
Nevada, Ely DO

BLM Ely District Office keeps doors open during construction

The Bureau of Land Management Ely District Office remains open to the public while construction is underway to replace the front parking lot.
Nevada, Carson City DO

The Bureau of Land Management concluded the FY2024 Marietta Wild Burro Gather

The Bureau of Land Management concluded the FY2024 Marietta wild burro gather located approximately 45 miles south of Hawthorne, Nev., in Mineral County., on August 22, 2024.
Elko DO, Wells FO

Bureau of Land Management to begin the Maverick-Medicine Herd Management Area Emergency Horse Gather

On or about August 25, 2024, the Wells Field Office plans to begin an emergency wild horse gather on and around the Maverick-Medicine Herd Management Area (HMA) located approximately 62 miles southwest of Wells, Nevada.
Colorado, Grand Junction FO

BLM proposes new fees for Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area

The Grand Junction Field Office seeks public input on a business plan with proposed recreation fees for select campsites in the Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area. The field office will accept comments from the public through Sept. 25.
Wyoming, High Plains DO

BLM to host Wyoming Mustang and Burros Days in Wheatland

The Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse and Burro program is working with Wyoming Mustang Association to sponsor Wyoming Mustang and Burros Days in Wheatland on Aug. 24-25.

BLM welcomes new and reappointed members to Alaska Resource Advisory Council

The BLM is pleased to announce the addition of four new and two reappointed members to the Alaska Resource Advisory Council (RAC).

BLM welcomes new and reappointed members to Alaska Resource Advisory Council

The newly appointed members represent perspectives including reindeer grazing, Alaska Natives and Tribes, state natural resource agencies, energy and mineral development, and dispersed recreation.