American Prairie Reserve EA
American Prairie Reserve (APR) controls private properties tied to BLM grazing allotments. They have submitted a proposal asking the BLM to modify their grazing permits. APR is seeking changes in the class of livestock from cattle to cattle and/or bison and modifications to their season-of-use and construction, re-construction and/or removal of range improvement projects. The project also includes adjustments to allotments (such as combining pastures) and administrative actions (such as issuing ten-year grazing permits).
On September 24, 2019, the American Prairie Reserve (APR) submitted a proposal (an update to an earlier proposal submitted in 2017) to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to modify certain terms and conditions of BLM-administered grazing permits held by the APR. The new proposal focuses on seven allotments in Phillips County, Montana.
The American Prairie Reserve Bison Change of Use Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) have been prepared for public review and are available under the Documents tab to the left. Electronic comments may be submitted at this web location from July 1, 2021 to August 29, 2021. To submit a comment, review the documents and select the green "Participate Now" button. The comment page will open to guide you through the process.
The BLM has scheduled a virtual public meeting to occur on July 21, 2021 from 1pm-4pm Mountain Time. All participants are required to pre-register for these meetings. For more information on how to participate in the public meetings please see the How to Get Involved tab to the left.
There have been issues with using mobile devices from the eplanning site and the documents were unavailable. The links in the accordion below should resolve this issue.
- 2021 Draft Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impacts
American Prairie Reserve Draft FONSI
- 2019 APR Proposal
- News Releases
APR EA and Draft FONSI July 2021
BLM releases report with public comments on bison grazing proposal
BLM responds to public by extending time to submit comments on APR bison proposal_2018
- 2018 Scoping
- 2018 Scoping Meeting Supporting Information
- 2017 APR Proposal
- 2017 APR Proposal Maps
APR Beauchamp Two Crow ANSID V01 Reduced
APR Burnt Lodge Timber Creek ANSID V01 Reduced
APR Overview ANSID V01 Reduced
APR PN CK Ridge ANSID V01 Reduced