South Fork of the Snake River: Conant Boat Access
This BLM site features a concrete boat ramp and separate raft launch facilities. There is a large pool to launch boats and a back channel for rafts. The water at the raft launch is swift and the last couple steps have been washed out. Rafts should still set up in the raft area and can launch from the raft launch or the boat launch, if fully prepared. The river has roller coaster waves and turbulent water upstream. Motorized boats beware of the gravel bar in front of the boat ramp.
Facilities & Services:
- Bathrooms - Flush toilets open seasonally near the visitor center and vault toilets open year round in the parking lot.
- Potable Water - Yes
- Trash services - Yes, seasonally. If there is no trash can in the parking lot, pack out all trash.
- Seasonal host - Yes
- Fee - Yes
- Visitor Information Center - Open seasonally, depending on staffing.
River camping – Camping at the BLM river sites require a self-issued permit and to pay the $5 per day parking fee. Permits can be printed out ahead of time. (Remember to print two, one for you to bring and one to deposit at the permit station)
Permits can also be completed at the self-issue permit station next to the set-up boat area. The permit can be found in related links at the bottom of the page.
- Parking lot - Camping in the parking lot is not permitted
Refer to Regulations for floating South Fork Snake River in Related Links at the bottom of the page.
Geographic Coordinates
This boat ramp is located off of Conant Valley Loop in Swan Valley, just off of the Swan Valley Highway (Hwy 26).
$5.00 facility/parking use to be paid at site.
Season Passes are available at the BLM Upper Snake Field Office (1405 Hollipark Drive, 208-524-7500), the camphosts at Conant and Byington Boat Access Sites (Thursday-Monday), and Palisades Ranger District (3659 E. Ririe Hwy, 208-523-1412)