Carrizo Plain National Monument

All vehicles including UTVs on the monument must be street-legal (DMV plated) and all vehicles must stay on roads.

2025 Wild Flowers

Click here for more information on the latest 2025 wildflower conditions

REMINDER: Please follow warning signs and respect private property when visiting your public lands. This is a remote area with limited towing services, no fuel, food or water nearby.

ROADS: Rain showers continue, please be cautious on dirt roads! Don't drive into the flowers, park alongside the road (parallel) as not to obstruct other traffic and watch for pedestrians. Currently Simmler Road and Panorama Road are open. High clearance vehicles are recommended, especially in muddy areas. Soda Lake Road and Elkhorn Road are also open.

Overview The Carrizo Plain National Monument, located 100 airline miles (160 km) from Los Angeles, is an area by-passed by time. Soda Lake, its centerpiece, is a glistening bed of white salt, set within a vast open grassland, rimmed by steep mountains. The plain is home to diverse communities of wildlife and plant species, is an area culturally important to Native Americans, and is traversed by the San Andreas fault, which has created and moved mountain ranges, carved valleys and is marked by a subtle alignment of ridges, ravines and pools.



Goodwin Education Center

Phone: 805-475-2131

Open: December 1 - May 31.

Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Thursday - Sunday

Maps and brochures are available at the front door when the center is closed. Wheelchair accessible restrooms at the Education Center remain open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, throughout the year.

Contact the Education Center or make it your first stop to receive updated information about your visit to the Carrizo Plain National Monument.

Get permits for Guided and Self-Guided Tours

Download the Carrizo Plain National Monument Recreation Map and Guide

Find the latest 2025 wildflower updates on BLM California social media:




Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Bob Wick/BLM
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument Tours
Carrizo Plain National Monument Tours
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Bob Wick/BLM
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument Tours
Carrizo Plain National Monument Tours
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Bob Wick/BLM
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument Tours
Carrizo Plain National Monument Tours
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Bob Wick/BLM
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument Tours
Carrizo Plain National Monument Tours
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Bob Wick/BLM
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument Tours
Carrizo Plain National Monument Tours

Adventure is at Your Fingertips


Please observe the following rules during your visit to the Carrizo Plain National Monument.

Painted Rock Exclusion Zone: The following items/activities are not allowed in the Painted Rock Exclusion Zone: Horses and dogs, non-motorized bicycles (except the Painted Rock parking area), cache-type activities (geocaching, earth caching, etc.), discharge of firearms, and campfires.

Pictographs and Petroglyphs: The making of digital, photographic, print, or video images of any of the pictographs or petroglyphs, or any graffiti that overlies or is adjacent to, for commercial use is not allowed.

Weapons: Recreational target shooting is prohibited within the entire monument. Public lands within 1/4 mile of any campground, Painted Rock, facility (including the Washburn, Saucito, and MU ranch headquarters), developed overlooks, interpretive sites or pullouts, are closed to the discharge of firearms. Use of replica weapons (such as paintball, airsoft, or war game apparatus is not allowed on the monument. In addition, there is a No Shooting Zone established/marked around Painted Rock and the Goodwin Education Center.

Access: All public lands within 1/4 mile of Sulphur Springs are closed to public access, in order to protect sensitive resources. All public lands within 1/4 mile of Painted Rock are closed to public access from March 1 through July 15 each year, except for tours authorized by the Bureau of Land Management, for the same reason.

Vehicles: Only street legal vehicles are allowed on the monument (except for portions of Temblor Ridge Road). Vehicle use within the monument is limited to designated roads. Designated roads are defined as existing well-traveled roads which have been identified and mapped. Except on county roads, or unless otherwise posted, speed limit is 25 miles per hour. Vehicles parked adjacent to any open road should park as close to the road as possible without preventing passage of other vehicles. Roads designated as being for administrative use only are open to bicycles and other nonmotorized vehicles, pedestrians, and casual horse use, unless otherwise posted.

Camping: Overnight camping is allowed only within designated campgrounds and designated car-camping areas and is limited to 14 days within any 30 day period, for a total of no more than 28 days within any one year period. Camping or overnight parking is prohibited within 200 yards of any natural or artificial water source.

Pets: Must remain leashed or caged at all developed sites, including visitor center, interpretive areas, trail heads and camping areas. At all other locations pets must be controlled by the owner at all times.


  • Operation of motor vehicles, aircraft, and boats and flotation devices of any kind, is prohibited on or within Soda Lake and any adjacent stream, channel, dry lake, and body of water.
  • Property left unattended for more than three days may be removed and stored at the owner's expense.
  • Organized groups with 20 or more persons or 5 or more vehicles must secure a special recreation permit for any activities on the monument.
  • All research and study activities require a permit or written authorization from the BLM.
  • The use of metal detectors is prohibited.
  • The release of non-native or captive-held native species on BLM lands within the monument is not authorized.
  • Commercial filming/photography requires a permit. Also, any filming/photography that includes the use of of models, sets or props requires a permit. For more information about film permits contact our Lands & Realty staff at 661-391-6000.


Iconograph of a bicyclist
Iconograph of a tent.
Iconograph of a person on horseback
Iconograph of a person looking through a scope on a rifle
Iconograph of binoculars
Iconograph of person in the center of a swirl
Iconograph of a camera


Bureau of Land Management
Bakersfield Field Office
35126 McMurtrey

Geographic Coordinates

35.09458, -119.64002


Carrizo Plain National Monument is west of Bakersfield, California.


This area is very remote and undeveloped, therefore it is recommended that you do not rely on GPS or other mapping programs to lead you to the park. All vehicles must remain on roads.