Railroad Flat Campground


Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM
Merced River RMA
Merced River RMA
Photo by David Greenwood, BLM

Accessibility Description (ABA/ADA)

At least 90% of all campsites are ADA accessible

Adventure is at Your Fingertips


Merced River Trail:

The Merced River Trail follows the old Yosemite Valley Railroad Grade for 28 miles from Bagby, on Highway 49, to El Portal, near the Arch Rock entrance to Yosemite National Park.  The trail is not maintained for that entire distance.  The BLM manages the lower 18 miles, while the USFS manages the remaining 10 miles closest to El Portal.  This trail is primitive and is constantly subject to rock and mud slides.  It is common for trees to fall across the trail at any time of year.  All side-creek crossings are rough and will require a mountain biker to “carry” across the gulches.  

The BLM does try to maintain two sections of this trail to a more use-friendly standard.  But, even within these two sections, there are rough patches, portages, and re-routes that traverse rock slides etc.  Every season presents new challenges and wash-outs so expect the unexpected.  The maintained sections of the Merced River Trail are from Railroad Flat to the North Fork, and from Briceburg to the Forest boundary.

Merced River Trailhead (Railroad Flat):

From Briceburg, cross the suspension bridge and head downstream on the Briceburg River Road past all three campgrounds and park at the road’s end (4.5 miles).  Do not block gate. 

This trailhead serves hikers, and mountain bikers access to the North Fork Merced and continues downstream to Bagby.  (Equestrian riders will have difficulty passing Halls Gulch which is only 1/8 mile from the trailhead).   This is a very good wildflower viewing trail during spring (February through April).  There is no bridge at the North Fork so expect to get wet if you are heading all the way to Bagby.  The North Fork Merced can get too high to cross during rainy periods in winter and spring.  By summer, the flow is usually modest enough to cross knee high to ankle deep.  Trail condition deteriorates rapidly downstream from the North Fork along the main Merced River Trail.

The main attraction from this trailhead is the North Fork Merced which offers excellent wildflower viewing in spring and great swimming late spring and summer.  The main Merced River has great swimming holes near the confluence with the North Fork.  Backcountry camping is allowed here.  Make sure you have a valid fire permit if camping overnight.  Check fire restrictions before your trip—usually no fires by early summer.

The trail up the North Fork is narrower and steeper than the main Merced River Trail.  Poison oak and rattlesnakes are common here.  The North Fork Trail leads to a beautiful bedrock gorge with a small cascade about ¾ of a mile upstream from the confluence.  The trail deteriorates rapidly after the falls, eventually disappearing in a distance.

Geographic Coordinates

37.61823, -120.01967