La Cieneguilla Petroglyphs
Hundreds of petroglyphs, dating from pre-contact time and the Spanish colonial era, can be found along this mesa above the Santa Fe River. Most of the petroglyphs were placed there by Keresan-speaking puebloan people living in the area between the 13th and 17th centuries. The descendants of these people now live down the Santa Fe River along the Rio Grande at the Cochiti and Santo Domingo Pueblos.
The area is known for the great number of hump-backed flute player images and a great variety of bird figures. The site is also of interest to those tracing the route of El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, as the ancient road passed along here as well.
This short trail provides its hikers a glimpse into the past as well as gorgeous views of the surrounding area. The petroglyphs trail is a 1 mile loop that start at the parking lot as a dirt path and then leads into the rocks that need to be climbed through or over. Little wooden posts with white arrows helps direct the way to the start of the rock path. It is easier to go up the right side of the trail and down the left side of the loop.
Accessibility Description (ABA/ADA)
There is one information kiosk with a rough outline of the trail and some historic information on the area just past the trailhead on the left.
The trailhead is accessed from a dirt and gravel parking lot. To utilize the one-mile trail loop, visitors need to be able to walk from the parking lot, along a wide, flat dirt path then up and through a series of rocks that compose the trail with few navigation markers before travelling back downhill through more rocks.
- Restrooms and drinking water are not available.
- There is a parking area and information kiosk at the trailhead.
Nearby Amenities
There nearest location to obtain food, gas, and water is in Santa Fe, roughly 7 miles away via Paseo Real and NM-284 E/Airport Rd.
- Open year-round.
- The trail may become difficult to navigate during inclement weather and after heavy rains
Special Rules
Motorized use of the trail is prohibited.
Please do not climb on, touch, chalk, wet down, or do rubbings of the petroglyphs. Cultural Resources in the vicinity are fragile and irreplaceable.
- The Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, the Antiquities Act of 1906, and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 protect them for the benefit of all Americans.
Any person who, without a permit, injures, destroys, excavates, appropriates, or removes any historic, or prehistoric ruin, artifact, object of antiquity, Native American remains, Native American cultural item or archaeological resource on the public lands of the United States is subject to arrest and penalty of law.
Pets must be on a 6-foot leash.
No fireworks, discharge or use of firearms, or any other weapons
Practice Leave No Trace. Please make sure to carry out or dispose of any litter.
Wildlife in Area
- Rattlesnakes
- Lizards
- Turkey Vultures
Geographic Coordinates
La Cieneguilla Petroglyph Site is very close to the City of Santa Fe. From the intersection of Airport Road and NM 599, continue west on Airport Road for 3.3 miles. The GPS points lead to a gravel parking area on the west side of the road and a BLM sign. Follow a trail marked by arrows for about 5 to 10 minutes to access the basalt cliffs where the petroglyphs are located.