Cosumnes River

Remember your OUTDOOR ETHICS when enjoying your public lands. Please RECREATE RESPONSIBLY.

Explore, learn, and experience the Cosumnes River Preserve with opportunities for guided walks, paddling, hiking, and nature viewing. The Visitor Center deck and outdoor exhibits are open to the public even when the indoor exhibit room is closed.

Please Note: No pets. Only service dogs, on the leash, are allowed at the Preserve.

No camping at the Preserve. Day-Use area only.

For up-to-date info & more, please visit Cosumnes River Preserve homepage at:


The Cosumnes River Preserve is home to California's largest remaining valley oak riparian forest, and is one of the few protected wetland habitat areas in the state. The Preserve includes over 50,000 acres of central valley grasslands, vernal pools, wetlands, and valley oak forests.

Nestled in the heart of California's Central Valley, the Preserve is a critical stop on the Pacific Flyway for migrating and wintering waterfowl. Over 250 species of birds have been sighted on or near the Preserve, including the State-listed threatened Swainson hawk, greater and lesser sandhill cranes, Canada geese, and numerous ducks. The Cosumnes is the last free-flowing river from the mighty Sierra Nevada Mountains into the Great Central Valley.

Hunting and Shooting Info - Cosumnes River Preserve:

Hunting, fishing, and camping are not allowed at the Cosumnes River Preserve. In general, there is no hunting allowed in the core area of the Preserve because it is not compatible with our public use and wildlife protection objectives.

Hunting and fishing are allowed on the river and in the sloughs, but hunters and fishers must stay in their boats (no bank fishing/hunting). It is legal to fish or hunt from a boat in the river, in a state navigable waterway, but only during the proper seasons and with the proper licenses.

  • Special scheduled hunts available by permit.
  • Youth and mobility-impaired hunters contact CRP @ (916) 684-2816
  • BLM Lands within the Cosumnes River Preserve ACEC boundary are CLOSED to hunting and target shooting.

NOTE: All California game species are regulated by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). Rules, regulations, and seasons are controlled by CDFW, and it is the hunter's responsibility to verify and comply with proper species, seasons, zones, regulations, and legal location if hunting on public lands.

FGC 3004 — It is unlawful for any person to hunt or discharge while hunting, any firearm or other deadly weapon within 150 yards of any occupied dwelling house, residence, or other building or any barn or other outbuilding used in connection therewith. The 150-yard area is a "Safety Zone."

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Cosumnes River Preserve
Cosumnes River Preserve
Photo by Bob Wick, BLM

Accessibility Description (ABA/ADA)

Parking. There are 3 paved parking lots for the Preserve, all just off Franklin Blvd. The upper lot holds about 40 vehicles and has 2 designated accessible spaces with access aisles. Next to it, to the east, the lower lot holds about 20 vehicles and has no designated accessible spaces. The lot near the entrance to the Boardwalk Trail, ¼ mile to the north, has 6 spaces, 1 of which is designated as accessible. Cell reception is good nearly everywhere in the site. No drinking water is available. 

Kiosks. A kiosk on sits on concrete next to the upper lot. The kiosk contains a trail map, rules for visitors, and interpretation of the site. A 3-sided kiosk next to the Boardwalk Trail parking lot contains the same information.

Toilets. An accessible double vault toilet is located next to the accessible parking spaces in the upper lot. There is also an accessible single vault toilet next to the accessible space in the Boardwalk Trail parking lot.

Trails. The Preserve encompasses 3 trails. The accessible Boardwalk Trail, an out-and-back trail that's 1/4-mile each way, starts as a concrete path and becomes a raised boardwalk with side rails. It ends at a wooden observation deck next to a pond, with railings and 4 benches without arms. A 2nd accessible trail, the Wetlands Walk, consists of concrete pathways that include wooden bridges over wetland areas. There are 6 benches without arms along this trail.

The 3rd trail, the River Walk Trail, begins near the visitor center. It is accessible only with all-terrain wheelchairs in dry weather. When it rains, this flat, compacted dirt trail gets quite muddy. This 3-mile loop trail leads to 3 wetland areas and the Cosumnes River and loops back through oak savannah woodland.  There are 3 benches without arms along this trail. 

The trails have numbered posts with QR codes that can be scanned to obtain information about features of the site. Written descriptions are also available upon request.

Boat Dock. Southwest of the Visitor Center there is a boat dock on the river, whose level can vary by up to 12 feet between high and low tide. At high tide, the boat ramp has a gentle enough slope to be considered accessible. At low tide, the ramp is very steep. 

Note: Descriptions and photos uploaded March 2025. Please note that actual on-the-ground conditions may vary due to natural events (e.g., weather, wildfires, erosion), normal wear and tear, or site improvements.  


Adventure is at Your Fingertips


Iconograph of a bird perched on a branch.
Iconograph of a two people paddling a canoe.
Iconograph of a picnic table
Iconograph of person in the center of a spiral
Iconograph of a camera
Iconograph of binoculars

Geographic Coordinates

38.265713, -121.439227


From Sacramento, take Interstate 5 south and exit at Twin Cities Road. Head east on Twin Cities Road to Franklin Boulevard, then turn south. Continue on Franklin Blvd and go past Desmond Road. The Cosumnes River Preserve Visitor Center is approximately 1/2 mile south along Franklin Blvd on the left (east) side.