Br-12 Watchable Wildlife

This 200-acre prairie marsh in northcentral Montana holds a narrow reservoir about one mile long. This reservoir acts as a prairie pothole with its tailwaters slowly drying during the summer and fall. This water cycle permits waterfowl to hatch and raise young in this relatively isolated, resource-rich area, then move fledglings to major waters like the Missouri River. BR-12 also provides habitat for migrating waterfowl, upland birds, and upland wildlife species, so it’s not uncommon to observe 20-30 species in one spring day. Canvasback and redhead ducks regularly nest in the tailwaters, pelicans and tundra swans stop by for a rest and snack on their journeys, and even black terns (a species of concern) and loons have been observed utilizing BR-12’s “waterfowl facilities.” The area around BR-12 is short-grass prairie habitat. Species you might see associated with this habitat include chestnut-collared and McCowan’s longspur, horned lark, northern harrier, ferruginous hawk, Swainson’s hawk, burrowing owl, pronghorn, coyote, red fox, ground squirrel, and badger.



Year–round, but viewing is best in the spring.

Adventure is at Your Fingertips


Iconograph of a person looking through a scope on a rifle
Iconograph of binoculars


Havre Field Office
3990 Highway 2 West

Geographic Coordinates

48.7025, -109.04543


From Zurich on US Hqy 2, turn north onto to Cherry Ridge Road, drive about eight miles and turn right (east) into the BR-12 area. There are Wildlife Viewing Area Signs on Highway 2 and Cherry Ridge Road.


No Fees