Black Rock Desert Wilderness

The Black Rock Desert Wilderness is a large desert playa and the remains of prehistoric Lake Lahontan. At 314,835 acres, the area is one of the largest protected desert playas in the United States. Vistas go on for miles and mirages sneak up from all sides of the desert floor. The vastness and overwhelming feeling of isolation in this wilderness create an experience unlike any other.


Please note this area is NOT the Black Rock Desert Playa.


Motorized equipment and equipment used for mechanical transport are prohibited. This includes the use of motor vehicles (including OHVs), motorized equipment, bicycles, hang gliders, wagons, carts, portage wheels, and the landing of aircraft including helicopters. Contact the agency for more information about regulations.


Please follow the regulations and practice Leave No Trace / TreadLightly! principles when visiting to protect the unique natural and experiential qualities of this special area.



Black Rock Desert Wilderness
Black Rock Desert Wilderness

Adventure is at Your Fingertips



Black Rock Field Office
5100 East Winnemucca Blvd.

Geographic Coordinates

41.215237, -118.754546


The Wilderness is located in western Humboldt County. Primary access to the Wilderness is located along the BLM and County roads that form the eastern and northern boundaries of the Wilderness Area.