Wyoming Coal Data - Coal Statistics

The BLM maintains records of pending competitive lease applications and noncompetitive lease modification applications and lease sales and lease modification offers during the year. The tables below list information about successful and unsuccessful competitive lease sales and noncompetitive lease modification offers since 1990 and pending lease sales based on the Lease by Application (LBA) serial number or the lease modification application (LMA) serial number and date of application, which is used to identify and track the application. Sometimes, the LBA applicant is not the same as the final lessee because another entity may outbid the applicant during the bidding process. For LMAs, the applicant and the final lessee will be the same because only the lessee may request, accept, or reject a noncompetitive LMA tract.

Contact Information

Powder River Basin
Steve Wright
High Plains District Office
Phone: 307-261-7600
Fax: 307-261-7587

Green River - Hams Fork Region
Joanna Nara-Kloepper
Rock Springs Field Office
Phone: 307-352-0256
Fax: 307-352-0218