Liggett Table HMA
This is a small, isolated herd which is descended from rodeo stock. They are of very uniform color (predominantly chestnut and sorrel) and above average in conformation. Horses are generally 15 hands in size and range from 900 to 1,150 pounds.
Location: This HMA is approximately 50 miles southeast of Prineville, OR and about 10 miles southwest of Paulina, OR
Size: 30,000 acres
Topography/Vegetation: Elevation is mainly between 4000 feet and 4700 feet. The area is generally a high table land which lies between Camp Creek and the South Fork of the Crooked River. Two dominant landmarks include Twin Buttes and Sulfur Butte. Except for limited riparian areas, the vegetation is Juniper, Sagebrush and Bunchgrass.
Wildlife: Pronghorn antelope, mule deer, elk, coyotes. Golden and Bald Eagles, various hawks, mountain and California valley quail, and chukars.
AML: 10-15 Horses