2013 Adobe Town and Salt Wells Wild Horse Gather
Gather Complete
11/21/13 - 12/4/13
Purpose of Gather:
Each HMA has what is called an appropriate management level (AML). That is the number of horses that can thrive in a particular area in balance with other resources and uses. When a herd exceeds its AML, it becomes necessary to remove some of the horses to ensure the health of the rangeland, wildlife and the horses themselves.
In addition, the gather provides the opportunity to treat mares with fertility control to decrease reproduction rates.
Details of Gather:
An estimated 700 wild horses will be gathered from both HMAs and approximately 586 excess horses will be removed. Roughly 114 mares and studs are expected to be returned to the Complex. All mares released will be treated with the fertility control vaccine.
Approximately 57 mares will be treated with the fertility-control vaccine Porcine Zona Pellucida (PZP) and released back into the HMAs.
Approximately 851 wild horses will remain in the HMAs, which is the low appropriate management level (AML) for this herd complex. AML is the point at which the herd’s population is consistent with the land’s capacity to support wild horses in balance with other public rangeland uses and resources.
Public Observation:
Thank you for your interest in observing BLM wild horse gather operations in the Adobe Town/Salt Wells Herd Management Areas (HMAs). The BLM is committed to providing as much public access to the gather as possible; however, as the gather moves into the checkerboard pattern of mixed public and private land, observation opportunities will be limited.
The Adobe Town/Salt Wells HMA Complex is in rugged and remote areas. Safety is our first priority and BLM staff will be available each public observation day to escort you into areas where you can safely view the gather operations. You must provide your own four-wheel drive transportation. Please try to carpool, if possible. We are providing the following information for your safety and so that you can be prepared for your visit.
Gather Reports
Thursday, November 21
Summary: Operations today consisted of final setup of traps and holding facilities. Our first trap site is set up and ready to go for tomorrow in the Table Rock area. Actual gather operations were canceled today due to severe weather conditions consisting of blowing snow and windy conditions. Weather conditions look favorable for tomorrow with sunny conditions and moderate winds. Note: Wednesday 11/20/13 we shipped 112 horses from the Rock Springs Wild Horse Holding Facility to Canon City, Colorado, of which 39 were geldings, and 73 mares.
Animals gathered: 0
Animals shipped: 0
Total Deaths Today: 0
Acute: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Friday, November 22
Summary: Gather operations commenced today in the Table Rock area. The name of the trap is the Table Rock Trap. We used two helicopters for gather operations today. Weather conditions were sunny and calm with temperatures ranging from 10 to 30 degrees. There were a total of 134 horses gathered today which included 41 studs, 63 mares, and 30 colts. Henneke body condition score of animals gathered today 3.0 to 4.0. Note: We shipped 99 horses from the Rock Springs Wild Horse Holding Facility to Canon City, Colorado, of which 88 were geldings, and 11 mares. These are not part of the contract and will not be counted on the shipped totals.
Animals gathered: 134
Animals shipped: 41
Total Deaths Today: 0
Acute: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Saturday, November 23
Summary: Gather operations continued today in the Table Rock area. The name of the trap is the Table Rock Trap. We used two helicopters for gather operations today. Weather conditions were partly sunny and windy with temperatures ranging from 10 to 30 degrees. There were a total of 53 horses gathered today which included 24 studs, 19 mares, and 10 colts. Henneke body condition score of animals gathered today 3.0 to 5.0+.
Animals gathered: 53
Animals shipped: 116
Total Deaths Today: 1
Acute: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing: 1*
* 1 - Grey yearling mare that had a pre-existing angular deformation of the right front leg and hoof.
Sunday, November 24
Summary: Gather operations continued today in the Table Rock area. The name of the trap is the Table Rock Trap. We used two helicopters for gather operations today. Weather conditions were sunny with calm winds and temperatures ranging from 17 to 40 degrees. There were a total of 84 horses gathered today which included 40 studs, 34 mares, and 10 colts. Henneke body condition score of animals gathered today 3.0 to 5.0+. The Table Rock Trap was taken down today after operations and trap #2 will be set up tomorrow and will be called the Pinnacle Draw Trap.
Animals gathered: 84
Animals shipped: 44
Total Deaths Today: 0
Acute: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Monday, November 25
Summary: Gather operations continued today in a new area, called the Brady Plant trap, was constructed. Two helicopters were used for gather operations today. Weather conditions were sunny with calm winds and temperatures ranging from 22 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. There were a total of 123 horses gathered today which include 43 studs, 53 mares, and 27 colts. Henneke body condition score of animals gathered today 3.0 to 5.0+.
Animals gathered: 123
Animals shipped: 67
Total Deaths Today: 0
Acute: 1*
Chronic/Pre-existing: 1*
* 1 - Sorrel filly two-month-old stepped on at trap site causing broken left hind leg. 1 - Two-year-old grey mare with severe, pre-existing right hind limb and hoof deformities due to a previous poorly healed fracture of the ankle.
Tuesday, November 26
Summary: Gather operations continued today at the Brady Plant Trap. Two helicopters were used for gather operations today. Weather conditions were sunny with calm winds and temperatures ranging from 15 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. There were a total of 136 horses gathered today which included 57 studs, 56 mares, and 23 colts. Henneke body condition score of animals gathered today 3.0 to 5.0+. Note: We shipped 66 horses from the Rock Springs Wild Horse Holding Facility to Canon City, Colorado today, all of which were mares. These are not part of the contract and will not be counted on the shipped totals for this gather.
Animals gathered: 136
Animals shipped: 117
Total Deaths Today: 0
Acute: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Wednesday, November 27
Summary: Gather operations continued today at the Brady Plant Trap. Two helicopters were used for gather operations today. Weather conditions were sunny with calm winds and temperatures ranging from 15 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit. There were a total of 40 horses gathered today which included 7 studs, 17 mares, and 16 colts. Henneke body condition score of animals gathered today 3.0 to 5.0+.
Animals gathered: 40
Animals shipped: 174
Total Deaths Today: 0
Acute: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Thursday, November 28
Summary: No gather operations occurred on Thanksgiving Day.
Animals gathered: 0
Animals shipped: 0
Total Deaths Today: 0
Acute: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Friday, November 29
Summary: No gather operations occurred today. Crews are constructing the next trap site in the Manuel Gap area following the Thanksgiving Holiday. Weather conditions are mostly sunny with about an 11 mph wind, and temperatures ranging from the mid-20's to the 40's. Gather operations will resume tomorrow.
Animals gathered: 0
Animals shipped: 0
Total Deaths Today: 0
Acute: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Saturday, November 30
Summary: Gather operations continued today at the Manuel Gap Trap. Two helicopters were used for gather operations. Weather conditions are mostly sunny with calm winds, and temperatures ranging from 10 to 44 degrees Fahrenheit. There were a total of 98 horses gathered today which included 39 studs, 37 mares, and 22 colts. Henneke body condition score of animals gathered today 3.0 to 5.0+.
Animals gathered: 98
Animals shipped: 0
Animals released: 1 - One study self-released
Total Deaths Today: 0
Acute: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Sunday, December 1
Summary: Gather operations have officially concluded. The number now gathered will meet the criteria of the 586 excess wild horse removal goal. The treated mares are scheduled to be released on Tuesday when we will conclude final operations.
Animals gathered: 0
Animals shipped: 27
Animals released: 38 - Stud wild horses were released today south of the checkerboard in the Adobe Town HMA.
Total Deaths Today: 0
Acute: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Monday, December 2
Summary: The PZP fertility control vaccine arrived today and is being prepared so it can be administered tomorrow.
Animals gathered: 0
Animals shipped: 0
Animals released: 0
Total Deaths Today: 0
Acute: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Tuesday, December 3
Summary: The PZP fertility control vaccine is being administered today, however the release of the treated mares has been postponed due to winter weather conditions.
Animals gathered: 0
Animals shipped: 0
Mares fertility treated: 40
Total Deaths Today: 0
Acute: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Wednesday, December 4
Summary: The 40 PZP fertility control treated mares from the Bitter Creek temporary holding facility were released today south of the checkerboard in the Adobe Town Herd Management Area. This officially concludes the Adobe Town/Salt Wells Creek Wild Horse Gather for 2013.
Animals gathered: 0
Animals shipped: 0
Animals released: 40
Total Deaths Today: 0
Acute: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
A death labeled as "acute" is when an animal dies or is euthanized due to acute injuries or medical conditions brought about by the gather and removal process including those that occur during capture, sorting and holding at the gather site. This term will include animals that die for known or unknown reasons thought to be related to gather activities.
A death labeled as "chronic/pre-existing" is when an animal dies or is euthanized for reasons related to chronic or pre-existing conditions such as body condition, lameness, serious physical defects, etc. This term will include animals that are euthanized for conditions not brought about by the gather activity.
Veterinary Reports
There are no veterinarian reports to display at this time.