With nearly 4,500 feet of elevation gain, this WSA offers a broad range of vegetation types including shadscale, grassland, pinyon-juniper woodland, and Douglas fir. Rock outcroppings, pinnacles, chimneys and soil colors, and the dense and varied vegetation enhance the visual character of the area. The WSA’s extensive canyon systems, ridges, abundant springs, and wildlife trails provide outstanding opportunities for a variety of primitive recreation activities including hiking, backpacking, horseback riding, hunting, wildlife observation and photography. The WSA has populations of mountain lion, elk and black bear, as well as Rocky mountain bighorn sheep.
Visitation Information
The area is accessible from I-70 via the community of Thompson Springs and the county road up Sego Canyon. another major access road runs up Tusher Canyon about 8 miles north of the town of Green River. Other major canyons in the area are Thompson Canyon, Floy Canyon, Crescent Canyon and Horse Canyon. These canyons are very remote and receive little visitation.
Visitor Advisory
Visitors should come prepared for backcountry conditions and adequately prepare for their trip. Knowledge of weather, terrain, and physical conditions can help ensure safety.