Sego Lily WSA
Name Change (heading) In accordance with Secretarial Order 3404, the BLM has changed the name of this WSA to remove derogatory terms. The report to Congress on the WSA can be found in the Utah Statewide Wilderness Study Report - Volume IIB - Summary Analysis of Study Area Recommendations under the original name "Sq..w/Pap..se Canyon".
Sego Lily WSA is a steep and winding canyon eroded into the uplifted Morrison Formation and Dakota Sandstone. Vegetation is mostly thick pinyon-juniper woodland, with occasional sage parks, and riparian vegetation in canyon drainages. Wildlife includes black bear, mountain lion, coyote, gray fox, bobcat, beaver, badger, long-tailed weasel, golden eagles, owls, and various other raptors. The WSA has a high archaeological site density. It was heavily used by the Ancestral Puebloan dwellers from 450 A.D. to 1300 A.D. The Morrison Formation is rich in fossilized wood, plant remains, and fossil vertebrate bones. Located in both Colorado and Utah, activities include hiking, backpacking, horseback riding, hunting, rock climbing, and photography.
Visitation Information
From Dove Creek, CO, take a series of paved country roads starting with H and ending in 3.7 stair stepping but maintaining a southerly direction until the pavement turns to gravel. Continue on the gravel road, CR 3.7, until entering the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument. The WSA is located northwest of this road.
Visitor Advisory
Visitors should come prepared for backcountry conditions and adequately prepare for their trip. Knowledge of weather, terrain, and physical conditions can help ensure safety.