Sandstone rocks and Joshua Trees at Gold Butte National Monument

Gold Butte National Monument

Information on current fire restrictions can be found at

Gold Butte National Monument covers nearly 300,000 acres of remote and rugged desert landscape in southeastern Nevada, where dramatically chiseled red sandstone, twisting canyons, and tree-clad mountains punctuate desolate stretches of the Mojave Desert. The brightly hued sandstone provides a stunning canvas for the area’s famously beautiful rock art, and the desert provides critical habitat. The area is popular for outdoor recreation, and visitors to the monument can hike to rock art sites, drive the Gold Butte Backcountry Byway to the area’s namesake mining ghost town, hunt desert bighorn sheep, or tour the area’s peaks and canyons on horseback.

Route Designations

Motorized and mechanized vehicles are allowed on all open roads in the Monument. Signs designate where motorized and mechanized vehicles are not allowed on roads that are closed. Off-highway vehicle means a motor vehicle that is designed primarily for off-highway and all-terrain use. The term includes, but is not limited to: an all-terrain vehicle; an all-terrain motorcycle; a dune buggy; a snowmobile; and any motor vehicle used on public lands for the purpose of recreation.   If you are unsure, check with the Las Vegas Field Office at 702-515-5000 for roads that are designated as open to the public for motorized access.

OHVs are allowed on open roads in the Monument, but not on any closed roads as described above. All OHVs used on public lands in Nevada are required to be registered in accordance with Nevada state law.  Registration of an off-highway vehicle is not required if the vehicle is registered or certified in another state and is located in this State for not more than 15 days.

Environmental Assessment



Nevada OHV Website

Back Country Byway

The byway begins 90 miles northeast of Las Vegas and five miles south of Mesquite/Bunkerville on Interstate 15, exit 112. The 62-mile scenic trip offers opportunities to see desert wildlife, red and white sandstone, sinkholes, petroglyphs, the Muddy Mountains and Lake Mead. The historic mining town of Gold Butte, established in 1908, is along the route. The primary extractions from Gold Butte are copper, gold, lead and zinc. The last 19 miles of the byway should only be traveled by high-clearance vehicles. Primitive camping and hiking are available along the byway.

Gold Butte Back Country Byway Webpage

BLM-managed Byways Webpage


To safely enjoy the Gold Butte area, please respect yourselves and others by recognizing the unique challenges that visiting the Mojave Desert presents. Being prepared will make your visit here even more enjoyable.

Desert animals

When placing your hands and feet, use extra caution. Rattlesnakes, scorpions or venomous spiders may be sheltered behind boulders or under rocks and shrubs. Do not touch, collect or try to kill these animals.


Mobile phone coverage in this area is unreliable or non-existent. If you have coverage, please dial 911.  Make sure to leave your name, phone number, location, description of issue, vehicle type and license plate.

Flash Floods

When hiking, avoid canyons during rainstorms and be prepared to move to higher ground. While driving, be alert for water running in the normally dry desert washes and across road dips. Flooding occurs here more quickly due to the topography. Do not walk or drive through flood water flowing across a road.

General safety

Let friends or family members know where you are going and what time you expect to be back. Don’t rely on mobile phones during your visit as coverage in the area can be unreliable or non-existent. Leave your valuables at home. If you leave your car, take your purse or backpack with you and lock your doors. Never leave packages in plain sight where they may tempt someone to break in to your vehicle.


Temperatures can average more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer months. The best protection against heat is drinking plenty of water and limiting exposure to the sun during the hottest parts of the day. If you feel dizzy, nauseous or get a headache, immediately get out of the sun and drink plenty of water. Dampen your clothing to lower your body temperature. To be safe, bring more water than you think you will need.


Lightning storms frequently occur in the afternoon during the summer months. To prevent lightning from striking you, avoid high places and seek cover in buildings or in vehicles with the windows rolled up. If caught outdoors, crouch down on both feet with your arms wrapped around your knees and wait out the storm.


Bring and drink at least one gallon (four liters) of water per day if you are hiking, the day is hot or the trail is exposed to direct sunlight. Dehydration can happen to hikers even in fall and winter due to low humidity. Water in natural springs has not been tested and should be left for use by native wildlife.

What to Wear

For hiking, select shoes that provide a comfortable fit, ankle stability and protection against cactus spines. Wear clothes that provide protection against the sun, wind and cold temperatures (such as hats, long sleeves, long pants, etc.) and apply sunscreen. Dressing in layers is recommended since fall and winter can bring changeable weather. Rain, hail and snow flurries may occur during winter months, especially in February and March.


Most visitors take snapshots of their visit. This is considered casual use and does not require a film permit.  It is typified by an individual or group of individuals taking pictures, either still or moving, for personal use. 

In some cases permits may be required.

Still photography requires a film permit when one or more of the following situations apply:

Use of models or props which are not part of a site’s natural or cultural resources or administrative facilities are involved. Family or wedding portraits taken by professional photographers would be considered use of “models” as would products placed at the site. Props include reflectors, bounce cards, sound booms, or similar equipment If such photography takes place at locations where members of the public are generally not allowed If it occurs where additional administrative costs are likely


Student filming projects do not require a filming permit as long as the activity would not adversely impact public lands.  Students need to submit a proposal in writing, with verification from the educational institution that it is a required project. 

Film/Photography permits need to be acquired in advance.  For more information, please call (702) 515-5000.

Commercial still photography (photographs of scenery or wildlife) for magazine articles, advertisements, books, calendars, postcards, etc., does not require a film permit if none of the above criteria apply. This includes photographs that may have products or models superimposed on them later.

Moving photography (filming) requires a film permit when documentaries, television programs, feature films; advertisements, wildlife filming, or similar projects result in a commercial product.


Friends of Gold Butte

Friends of Nevada Wilderness