
The Burbank Canyons WSA is located in the Pine Nut Mountains near Wellington, NV. The terrain is steep and is cut by the scenic Burbank and Little Burbank Canyons on the east. The predominant vegetation is sagebrush; pinyon pine and Utah juniper grow on north facing slopes and cottonwoods and willows grow along a small perennial stream in Burbank Canyon. Opportunities for wilderness recreation include hiking, backpacking, horseback riding, camping, hunting and sightseeing. Because of high scenic qualities, Burbank Canyon is the focal point of most recreational visits. The combination of steep and rugged ridges and canyon slopes above a narrow riparian lined canyon bottom provides a visually appealing landscape in Burbank Canyon.


From Wellington, NV, drive about 1 ½ miles to Upper Colony Rd.  Turn right and drive north about 5 miles and turn left onto a dirt road.  Follow the dirt road about 1 ¾ mile to an intersection with another dirt road and turn left.  Follow that dirt road just over ¼ mile to private property, and then walk south and west around the private property, continuing west up the canyon and into the WSA.  

Visitor Advisory

There are no maintained trails in the WSA.