Ruby Mountains WSA
The Ruby Mountains WSA is precipitous in the northern portion and more gently sloped in the south. The WSA is mostly forested, with exposed, open, grassy ridges and south facing slopes. Vegetation is dominated by Douglas fir, lodgepole pine, limber pine, and Engelmann spruce. Rock outcrops, rock fins, caves, cliff faces and talus slopes emerge from the surrounding forest. There are a few springs, but no water flows through the canyons except during snowmelt. Aspen and canyon bottom meadows are common. Scenic quality of the WSA is high. Hiking, backpacking, camping and big game hunting is outstanding in this WSA.
Garden Creek and Hinch Creek drainages are two of the more popular access portals off of MT-287. To access the WSA from the Hinch Creek Road follow these directions: From Alder MT, head south on Upper Ruby Road for .2 miles, turn right on to Judy Lane stay on Judy Lane for 1.3 miles where you will turn left to stay on Judy Lane and continue for another 2.8 miles. Continue straight onto what is now called Hinch Creek Road. Continue on Hinch Creek Road for roughly 8 miles. The road will end at a barricade, please park here, you are in the WSA. Please respect private property as you cross through it. This road can be very treacherous and 4 wheel drive vehicles cannot always drive on it due to the hazardous conditions. Please do not drive off designated open routes
To access the Laurin Canyon area:From Alder MT, head south on Upper Ruby Road for .2 miles, turn right on to Judy Lane stay on Judy Lane for 1.3 miles where you will continue straight on Spring Canyon Road for approximately 3 miles, your destination will be on the left. Please respect private property as you cross through it.
To access the Garden Creek drainage follow these directions; From Alder MT head south on Upper Ruby Road for roughly 11 miles. Turn right after you've passed Ruby Reservoir. Continue for 2.7 miles while staying to the right at all intersections. The road will turn to your left (heading west) and will head up the garden creek drainage for roughly 7 miles. You will first reach the WSA in about 5 miles, it is on both sides of the road for the next 2 miles. Please respect private property as you cross through it. This road can be very treacherous and 4 wheel drive vehicles cannot always drive on it due to the hazardous conditions. Please do not drive off designated open routes.
Visitor Advisory
Routes leading into the WSA may not be passable at all times. The mountain roads are not maintained regularly and may be difficult to drive. Motor vehicle travel is only permitted on the few designated routes; cross country motor vehicle travel is prohibited. Please respect Private Property. Be bear aware! Proper food storage and carrying bear spray is encouraged.