Hoodoo Mountain
Hoodoo Mountain WSA is a forested area with interspersed open grassland parks, rock outcrops, and wet meadows. The area provides habitat for a variety of wildlife, including elk, moose, deer, black bear, porcupine, grouse, pine martin, fisher, wolverine and mountain lion. Wet Cottonwood Creek provides habitat for cutthroat trout and Cottonwood Meadow at the head of the creek is important habitat for elk and moose. Recreational opportunities include hunting, hiking, and camping.
Hoodoo Mountain WSA is located along the crest of the eastern end of the Garnet Range in Powell County approximately 55 miles east of Missoula, MT. Access to the WSA is off of Highway 141 below the Nevada Creek Reservoir dam. From Highway 141 take Braziel Creek Road for approximately 1 ¼ miles until it meets with BLM Road 2864. Follow 2864 for about 3 ½ miles, and then turn right on the Windy Rock Jeep Trail, BLM Road 2865, which forms a large portion of the eastern border of the WSA. Drive the Windy Rock Jeep Trail approximately 2 ½ miles to an old road on the right which is closed with a gate. This abandoned road can be hiked into the WSA.
Visitor Advisory
The Windy Rock Jeep trail requires high clearance. The mountain pine beetle heavily impacted the WSA and there are many standing dead trees. Be cautious about falling tree hazards. A significant amount of deadfall has occurred, making it difficult to hike on the abandoned road.