Peterson Draw Wilderness Study Area


The Peterson Draw WSA consists of several deep draws on the slopes of Douglas Mountain trending southward to the Yampa River in the adjacent Dinosaur National Monument. The WSA contains portions of Peterson, Buck, and Five Springs Draws which include intermittent drainages, rocky ridges, peaks and gently rolling hills. Vegetation consists mainly of ponderosa pine, pinyon-juniper woodlands, sagebrush, and native grass communities. There are also scattered mountain brush species and aspen trees. Fauna includes fox, coyote, black bear, mountain lion, mule deer, elk, raptors and various songbirds, gopher snakes, and western diamondbacks. The WSA offers opportunities for deer and elk hunting, camping, sightseeing, hiking, backpacking and horseback riding.

Visitation Information

The Peterson Draw WSA is located in Moffat County, approximately 45 miles west of Maybell and 75 miles west of Craig.

Visitor Advisory

Total Area: 4,993 acres

Elevation Range: ~6,600 to ~8,000 feet

BLM Field Office: Little Snake

Designated: 1980 (Wilderness Study Area)