California Lands and Realty
The Bureau of Land Management in California processes land use authorizations and land tenure adjustments on public lands.
Land use authorizations, processed at the field office level, include rights-of-ways for energy development, transmission, and distribution, road access, pipelines, communication facilities, film permits, long-term leases, and Recreation and Public Purpose (R&PP) leases.
Land tenure adjustments include land exchanges, disposals and acquisitions to support resource management and public recreation. Public land parcels that are isolated, with little public resource value or are no longer needed in federal ownership, may be offered for competitive public sale. To protect significant resources on the public lands or to maintain the status quo, BLM processes new withdrawal actions and withdrawal revocations for all of the federal land managing agencies. BLM's road easement acquisition program is used to gain access to the public lands for administrative and public use. The BLM only processes ownership transactions involving land and interests in land when such transactions are in the public interest and consistent with publicly-approved land use plans.
To file an application for a use authorization or land tenure adjustment, contact the field office that has jurisdiction over the lands affected by your proposal.