Press Releases

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BLM issues fire restrictions to protect properties and residences north of Fairbanks

FAIRBANKS, Alaska — Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Fairbanks District issued a


Blasting operations will cause short delays of Dalton Highway traffic

FAIRBANKS, Alaska — During June, Dalton Highway traffic will be stalled for blasting operations in the


President’s Investing in America agenda to invest $5 million in restoration work in Alaska

Anchorage, Alaska – As part of the President’s Investing in America agenda, the Bureau of Land Management will invest $5 million from the Inflation Reduction Act for the


White Mountains National Recreation Area not quite ready for summer

FAIRBANKS, Alaska —The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Eastern Interior Field Office will begin the summer season travel limitations for the


Bureau of Land Management cancels Alaska Resource Advisory Council meeting

The Bureau of Land Management is cancelling a previously announced Alaska Resource Advisory Council meeting.

Burning operations planned for military training lands in Interior Alaska to reduce wildfire threat

The Bureau of Land Management Alaska Fire Service (BLM AFS) and 11th Airborne Division (11th ABD) will soon implement multiple prescribed fires on military training lands ...

BLM extends winter season access in the White Mountains National Recreation Area and the Steese National Conservation Area

Until further notice, the Bureau of Land Management Eastern Interior Field Office is extending the winter season travel limitations in two popular areas.

Bureau of Land Management Alaska Resource Advisory Council to hold meeting

The Bureau of Land Management will hold an Alaska Resource Advisory Council (RAC) meeting on May 24, 2023, in Anchorage.

Interior delays opening of lands in Public Land Order No. 7899

The Bureau of Land Management announced today that Interior is delaying the opening of lands in the Kobuk-Seward Peninsula Planning Area described in Public Land Order No. 7899 until August 31, 2024.
Alaska, Anchorage DO, Anchorage FO

Public scoping period opens for Resource Management Plan amendment allowing e-bike use, new route designations within Campbell Tract

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) today announced in the 

Alaska, Anchorage DO, Anchorage FO

BLM seeks public input on consideration of e-bikes within Campbell Tract

ANCHORAGE, Alaska— The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is preparing an environmental assessment for Campbell Tract, a 730-acre Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA) i


BLM asks for public comment on continued land withdrawal for Army’s Fort Wainwright Training Areas

A notice in the Federal Register today announced the filing of an application with the Bureau of Land Management for extension of a withdrawal of Fort Wainwright training areas for another 25 years or more and opens a 90-day public comment period.
Alaska, Anchorage DO, Anchorage FO

BLM Campbell Tract welcomes Iditarod fans for ceremonial start activities

The Bureau of Land Management will host the finish of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race ceremonial start on March 4 at the BLM Campbell Tract. 

Bureau of Land Management publishes final supplemental analysis for Willow Master Development Plan

ANCHORAGE, Alaska —The Bureau of Land Management Alaska State Office today released the final supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) for the proposed Willow Master Deve


Bureau of Land Management seeks public input on draft environmental assessment for Campbell Creek Science Center Access Improvement Project

ANCHORAGE, Alaska— The Bureau of Land Management today released a draft environmental assessment that analyzes the effects of conceptual design alternatives


The BLM invites public comment on a new river management plan for the Birch Creek Wild and Scenic River

The Bureau of Land Management welcomes public comment to aid in resource management planning for the Birch Creek Wild and Scenic River that flows through BLM-managed public lands in central Alaska.