Press Releases

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CANON CITY, Colo. – The Bureau of Land Management Royal Gorge Field Office is releasing a draft EA for public review on two proposed CO2 wells near Gardner, CO.

On Friday, April 18, from 1 to 4 p.m., the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Billings Curation Center (BCC) will host the fourth annual Artifact Road Show in partnership with the Montana Archaeologic

ANCHORAGE – The BLM Science Center will host its l

Fairbanks, AK—The Bureau of Land Management has se

Las Vegas – Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Southern Nevada District Office and National Park Service (NPS) Lake Mead National Recreation Area will resolve a long-standing cattle trespass in northe

Portland, Ore. — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announces Robert Towne as the Interim District Manager for the Eugene District.

DURANGO, Colo. – The Bureau of Land Management Law Enforcement officers have reported a number of trespasses as the days grow longer and warmer within the Grandview Ridge and Animas City Mount

The subcommittee of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Boise District Resource Advisory Council (RAC) evaluating options for siting two segments of the proposed Gateway West power transmission lin

MEEKER, Colo. – Fire management officials with the Bureau of Land Management are now seeking public feedback on a proposed fuel reduction project in Rio Blanco and Garfield counties. 

SILT, Colo. – The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on an oil and gas development proposal approximately six miles southwest of New Castle, Colo.  

As part of a huge effort to conserve the Greater Sage-Grouse and its habitat across 10 western states, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a

Las Vegas – Public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Northeastern portions of Clark County within the Gold Butte, Mormon Mesa, Bunk

CANON CITY, Colo. – The Bureau of Land Management is preparing to conduct a prescribed burn in the Trail Gulch area, approximately 15 miles northwest of Cañon City betwee

SILT, Colo. – Firefighters from the Upper Colorado River Interagency Fire Unit are planning a 381-acre prescribed fire about 10 miles south of Silt, Colo., in early April.

The Bureau of Land Management Eastern States (BLM ES) quarterly oil and gas lease sale resulted in competitive bids for all of the 22 parcels offered, totaling 18,223.52 acres.

The Bureau of Land Management Nevada has postponed the oil and gas lease sale for parcels in the Elko and Southern Nevada districts from June 24, to a date in the near future.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Utah West Desert District is seeking public comment on two environmental assessments (EA) analyzing the BLM's proposal to offer a total of 66,673 acres comprised