Results of BLM Oil and Gas and Geothermal Lease Sales


Bureau of Land Management

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Nevada State Office

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The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) generated $68,415.50 during its quarterly oil and gas competitive lease sales held in Reno on September 9, selling 9 parcels that comprised 15,476.13 acres in the Elko, Carson City and Winnemucca Districts. The Elko District sale generated $5,929 on 2 parcels covering 2,046.33 acres. The combined Carson City and Winnemucca District sale generated $59,106 for 7 parcels covering 13,429.80 acres. The sale high bid for the Elko sale of $3,360 for a 1,680 acre parcel at $2 per acre was made by David Dibiase. The sale high bid for the Carson City/Winnemucca sale of $5,120 for a 2,560 acre parcel at $5 an acre was made by Appaloosa Energy, LLC.The lease is for a period of 10 years with annual rentals of $1.50 per acre for the first five years and $2 an acre after that until production begins. Once a lease is producing, a royalty of 12.5 percent is charged. Nearly half the bid and rental receipts go to the state of Nevada.The BLM offered 71 parcels totaling 117,837.77 acres. The initial sale list for Elko included 1.7 million acres and 1.63 million acres were deferred in areas where there were incompatible uses including sage grouse habitat, wilderness and large-scale mining activity. The initial sale list for Carson City/Winnemucca included 217,220 acres with 163,511 acres deferred in areas where there were incompatible uses including sage grouse habitat, wilderness and large-scale mining activity.Two parcels totaling 3,438.19 acres were offered during the geothermal lease sale September 10 that generated $315. The sale high bid for the geothermal sale of $80 for a 40 acre parcel at $2 per acre was made by Ormat Nevada Inc.A complete summary of the parcels offered and the winning bids for the oil and gas lease sale is available online. Geothermal sale results are posted here. The next oil and gas sale is scheduled for December 9, 2014.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.