Partners for a Clean New Mexico Launch Statewide Campaign to Combat Illegal Dumping



BLM Office:

New Mexico State Office

Media Contact:

Donna Hummel
Joy Esparsen, NM Assoc. of Counties

Santa Fe, New Mexico –With longer days and warmer temperatures, spring is the time of year when there is a noticeable increase in illegal dumping. In an effort to combat this ugly side of spring, local, state, and federal partners have joined together as the Partners for a Clean New Mexico. Today, the Partners for a Clean New Mexico are launching a statewide public education and action campaign to stop illegal dumping.  The “Protect Our New Mexico – Stop Illegal Dumping” campaign features 21 children who appeal to adults to stop New Mexico’s chronic problem of illegal dumping. The yearlong effort consists of billboards, posters, radio spots, and television commercials. A toll-free phone number (855-NoDumps) and website ( have been established for reporting illegal dumping and to learn more about the problem. In support of the campaign, Governor Susan Martinez proclaimed the week of April 18-25, New Mexico’s “Protect Our New Mexico - Stop Illegal Dumping” week.The campaign is designed to create awareness of the problem, encourage people to report illegal dumping, and ultimately, reduce the number of illegal dumps found throughout the state. The campaign urges all New Mexicans to protect the landscape by reporting the location of illegal dumps and persons who dump illegally.“The consequences of illegal dumping are felt by everyone in New Mexico. Local governments spend thousands of dollars annually on site cleanups, taking funding away from other much needed resources and services”, stated New Mexico Association of Counties Executive Director Paul Gutierrez.  “Illegal dumps can contain toxic materials that are dangerous for people, animals, and the environment. Property values, economic development, and tourism are all affected by unsightly illegal dumping.”“Illegal dumping affects everyone whether they realize it or not; it’s unsightly, dangerous, and expensive to clean up”, said Jesse Juen, the Bureau of Land Management’s New Mexico State Director. “It’s time for everyone who cares about New Mexico to do the right thing by only using our landfills for disposal and by reporting illegal dumps.”  “Stopping illegal dumping is critical to protecting the economic value and health of our state lands,” said State Land Commissioner Ray Powell. “By raising awareness about this issue and continuing to work with our outstanding lessees, local, state, and federal partners, we can keep our working lands healthy and productive." "Working to provide the public with education on where to dispose of their trash and recyclables is a critical component on this program," explains English Bird, New Mexico Recycling Coalition Executive Director. "Remember that you can easily find recycling drop-off locations around the state using the NM Recycling Directory at"The Partners for a Clean New Mexico are inviting residents to make a difference in their community by getting involved in local efforts to combat illegal dumping. The following projects are looking for community volunteers to assist with the cleanup of local dump sites. LOCATION DATE CONTACT NAME CONTACT NUMBER Torreon April 22 Nik Gualco 505/470-8053 Dixon April 27 Tami Torres 575/751-4757 Anthony April 27 Vanessa Duncan Joe Padilla 575/525-4402 575/528-3587 Chamberino May 4 Vanessa Duncan Joe Padilla 575/525-4402 575/528-3587 La Union June 1 Vanessa Duncan Joe Padilla 575/525-4402 575/528-3587 Chaparral July 6 Vanessa Duncan Joe Padilla 575/525-4402 575/528-3587 Roswell To be determine Al Collar 575/627-0270 Removing dump sites reduces repeat dumping in the same area. Future projects will be posted to For more information about the education and action campaign or the Partners for a Clean New Mexico, contact Donna Hummel at 505.954.2018 or Joy Esparsen at 505.820.8111

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