Firefighters planning prescribed burns in Moffat County beginning Monday


Bureau of Land Management

Media Contact:

David Boyd

CRAIG, Colo. – Fire managers from the Northwest Colorado Fire Management Unit are planning to conduct two prescribed burns in Moffat County beginning Monday. 

The 40-acre Oxbow Prescribed Fire is planned on a combination of Bureau of Land Management and State lands along the Little Snake River near Moffat County Road 21. The burn will remove decadent cattails and riparian grasses to improve wetland health. 

The five-acre Ferret Pile Prescribed Fire is planned on BLM lands in the Browns Park area along BLM Road 166. Firefighters are burning the piles to improve range health.

“We will only ignite these prescribed fires if conditions are ideal for safe, effective burns, as well as for good smoke dispersal away from area communities,” said Toni Toelle, Supervisory Fire Management Specialist for the Northwest Colorado Interagency Fire Management Unit.

Smoke may be seen from nearby communities and roads.  Smoke should dissipate during the day, but may remain on the valley floors as temperatures drop. Fire managers have developed a detailed prescribed fire plan and obtained smoke permits from the State of Colorado for each planned burn.

Please contact Toni Toelle at 970-761-0124 for additional information.

Prescribed fire smoke may affect your health. For more information, visit:



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