Fire Prevention Team raising wildfire awareness across Nevada

Spark Safety, Not Wildfires


Bureau of Land Management

Media Contact:

Kelsey Griffee

RENO, Nev. – BLM Nevada’s fire program is leading a Fire Prevention Team across the state beginning May 1 partnering with fire agencies, communities and businesses to educate Nevadans and tourists to be fire safe while recreating and travelling. A majority of wildland fires are human-caused in Nevada ranging from dragging trailer chains, parking on dry grass, and target shooting.  

“As year-round catastrophic wildfires become the norm instead of the exception, we all need to partner together in fire prevention,” Paul Petersen, BLM Nevada’s Fire Management Officer said. “Together we can prevent a devastating human-caused wildfire from ever happening.

The team will be in place from May 1 until May 14, 2022 and roll out the fire prevention campaign, Spark Safety, Not Wildfires. The campaign will kick off the month of May which is Wildfire Awareness Month and will target the most frequent causes of wildfire, including: roadside ignitions from vehicles, campfires and irresponsible target shooting.

The team would like to remind Nevadans and tourists:

  • Secure trailer chains. Dragging chains can send a shower of sparks into dry vegetation. 
  • Properly inflate your tires. Driving on an exposed wheel rim throws sparks. 
  • Drown and stir your campfire until it is cold to the touch. 
  • Leave the exploding targets and steel-component ammunition at home when visiting public lands. 
  • Don’t target shoot on hot, dry and windy days. 

“We all have a part to play in wildfire prevention,” Kelsey Griffee, BLM Nevada Fire Mitigation lead said.

While out enjoying the many, wonderful places on public lands remember to “Spark Safety, Not Wildfires!”

For the most recent information concerning wildfires, fire restrictions, and fire prevention and education, can be found at the Nevada Fire Info webpage –

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