Final Update: Transfer of Command Back to Local Unit Will Occur at 8 PM Today


BLM Colorado State Office

Media Contact:

Chris Barth, Public Information Officer

Meeker, Colo. – Both the Citadel (Moffat County) and East Tschuddi (Rio Blanco County) fires have reached 90% containment and personnel reductions continue. Firefighters will monitor any remaining fire activity as fuels may continue to smolder within the fire perimeter.  Due to continued favorable weather conditions, the fires have not grown and are not predicted to grow.  One helicopter remains to support the fires while the other aerial resources have been moved to pre-positioned locations for regional support. 

The Citadel and East Tschuddi fires will be turned over to a Type 4 organization within the Northwest Colorado Fire Management Unit today at 8:00 p.m.

Citadel Fire Statistics at a Glance:

  • Time/Date Started:  July 21, 2013, 12:00 p.m.
  • Location: 40 miles NW of Meeker, Colorado
  • Cause: Lightning
  • Fuels: Piñon –Juniper, Sage Brush
  • Size: 2,009 acres (1,925 acres BLM, 84 acres State lands)
  • Containment: 90%

East Tschuddi Fire Statistics at a Glance:

  • Time/Date Started:  July 20, 2013, 3:30 p.m.
  • Location: 20 miles NW of Meeker, Colorado
  • Cause: Lightning
  • Fuels: Pinon –Juniper, Sage Brush, Oak Brush, Douglas Fir
  • Size: 647 acres (603 acres BLM, 44 acres private lands
  • Containment: 90%

Note: This will be the last fire update from Rocky Mountain Incident Management Team B. Information will continue to be provided by the Northwest Colorado Fire Management Unit.

As of 8:00 p.m. today, the public information contact will be:

Susan Valente
Public Information Officer, Northwest Colorado Fire Management Unit
Fire Information: 970-329-1038 (8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.)
Incident email:
Upper Colorado River Interagency Unit:
Twitter: @NWCOFireUnit

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