Crooked Creek/Musselshell Breaks Travel Management Plan public comments sought
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(LEWISTOWN, Mont.) – Help from the public is being sought for the development of the draft Crooked Creek/Musselshell Breaks Travel Management Plan and Environmental Assessment.

(BLM Photo by Jonathan Moor)
The Crooked Creek/Musselshell Breaks Travel Management Plan will establish an inclusive system of transportation routes that: provides access to public lands for multiple-use activities, while minimizing impacts to wildlife habitat; reduces the introduction and spread of invasive weeds; lessens conflicts among recreational user groups; and prevents damage to cultural resources resulting from the expansion of roads and trails on public lands.
Development of a comprehensive plan for managing motorized and non-motorized routes is required by both the Bureau of Land Management Travel and Transportation Management Manual and the 2015 Greater Sage Grouse Resource Management Plan Amendment.
The BLM Lewistown Field Office will hold open house public meetings 5-7 p.m., Ju1y 10-11 to discuss the draft Crooked Creek/Musselshell Breaks Travel Management Plan and Environmental Assessment. The July 10 meeting is at the Yogo Inn, 211 NE Main St., Lewistown, Mont. The July 11 meeting is at the Petroleum County Courthouse, 201 E Main St., Winnett, Mont. Both meetings will focus on the entire planning area, which covers central and northern Petroleum and northeastern Fergus Counties. During the meetings, maps of the current and potential travel network will be available for review and BLM staff will answer questions and receive written comments. Information and maps will also be available at
The 30-day scoping comment period is July 10-Aug. 9. Comments are most helpful if they provide specific actions, resources, or issues to be considered and analyzed. Submit comments on Crooked Creek and Musselshell Breaks Travel Management Plan to: or 920 NE Main Street, Lewistown, MT 59457.
If you do not want your address, phone number, e-mail or other personal identifying information to be made public, do not include it in the body of your comment. Your entire comment, including personal identifying information, will be available for public review and is subject to Freedom of Information Act disclosure requests. Submissions from organizations, from businesses, and from individuals identifying themselves as representatives of organizations or businesses, will be available for public review. For more information, contact the BLM Lewistown Field Office at (406) 538-1900.
The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.