The Bureau of Land Management seeks public information to guide evaluation of the proposed Relief Canyon Mine – Phase II Expansion Project in Pershing County


Bureau of Land Management

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Winnemucca District Office

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WINNEMUCCA, Nevada – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Humboldt River Field Office is seeking information and comments from the public and stakeholders to help guide its evaluation of a proposed expansion of the Relief Canyon Mine in Pershing County, Nevada. The proposed expansion of the mine by the operator, Gold Acquisition Corporation (GAC), would extend the life of the mine by an additional three years.

“This expansion project addresses development of our energy and natural resources and if approved would provide continued opportunity to recover gold reserves in Nevada. The expansion would also help support local economies. Our goal is to work with local communities, stakeholders and the public to identify issues to be analyzed in the Environmental Impact Statement to ensure a thorough review of the proposal before making a final decision,” said BLM Nevada State Director Jon Raby.

Under the proposed Relief Canyon Mine – Phase II Expansion Project, there would be an additional 576 acres of disturbance on public and private lands within the approximately 2,974-acre plan boundary for the existing gold mine, which is located approximately 16 miles east-northeast of Lovelock. The BLM has begun the scoping process for the development of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) analyzing the potential impacts of the proposed expansion.

The Relief Canyon Mine began operating in the 1860s as a fluoride mine. After gold was discovered at the site in 1979, an open-pit mining operated from 1984 to 1993. Since mining ceased, the mine had been in temporary closure and was owned by various owners who continued exploration and tried to restart operations until the land ownership was consolidated by GAC in 2010. With the restart of mining operations by GAC in 2019, the mine has become one of the largest employers in Pershing County.

GAC’s existing Plan of Operations was authorized by the BLM after completion of an Environmental Assessment in July 2016. The original plan authorized 667 acres of disturbance, 3-years of active mining, 2 additional years of leaching material on the heap leach pads, and closure activities.

If approved, the expansion plan would enable the workforce of 220 employees to continue working at the mine site for an additional three years beyond the current life of the mine. The workforce is sourced from the labor pool within the communities of Lovelock, Imlay, Winnemucca, Fernley, and Fallon, Nevada.

The publication of the Notice of Intent in the Federal Register opens a 30-day scoping period. Public input will help identify issues to be considered in the EIS.

The BLM will hold two virtual public meetings on September 2, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and September 3, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. where public input and comments will be accepted on the proposed project:

To register for the 9/2/20 meeting, please see below:

Register in advance for this webinar go to:

To Phone in call: 833 568 8864 (Toll Free)    

    Meeting ID: 160 323 0587

    Passcode: 775623

To register for the 9/3 meeting, please see below.

Register in advance for this webinar go to:

To Phone in call: 833 568 8864 (Toll Free)

    Meeting ID: 161 812 3155

    Passcode: 775623

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Comments on the Draft EIS may be submitted in the following ways: on-line via the ePlanning website (see the Participate Now tab); by email at with “Relief Canyon EIS" in the subject line; or by mail to Ms. Jean Black, Project Lead, c/o BLM, 5100 East Winnemucca Blvd, Winnemucca, NV 89445. Comments will be accepted by letter or email until September 17, 2020.

Before including an address, phone number, email address, or other personally identifiable information in any comments, be aware that the entire comment—including personal identifying information—may be made publicly available at any time.  Requests to withhold personal identifying information from public review can be submitted, but the BLM cannot guarantee that it will be able to do so.

For further information, please contact, Ms. Jeanette Black, Project Lead, at the BLM Winnemucca District Office at 775-623-1500. Maps and other planning documents associated with the project may be accessed on the project website at


The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.