BLM Colorado starts public scoping period for new trails at Oil Well Flat


BLM Colorado State Office

BLM Office:

Royal Gorge Field Office

Media Contact:

Kyle Sullivan, Public Affairs Specialist

CAÑON CITY, Colo. – The Bureau of Land Management Royal Gorge Field Office is starting a public scoping period on the proposed addition of 4.5 miles of new non-motorized trails to the Oil Well Flat trails system.

Oil Well Flat is an increasingly popular hiking, mountain biking and horseback riding area north of Cañon City. In the last four years, average annual daily traffic has increased from eight people per day to 12 people per day.  This demand is anticipated to increase as awareness of the trail network expands. Previous feedback provided to the BLM includes requests for more loop opportunities including beginner options, opportunities closer to town, and ways to reduce conflicts between recreation and cattle grazing operations.

The proposed action includes the construction of three new trails to provide additional beginner and intermediate opportunities and a connection closer to Cañon City as well as extending one existing trail to avoid travel through the livestock watering area to separate grazing and recreation use. 

Specific details about the project, including description of the proposed new trails and a map, are available on the Royal Gorge Field Office web page.

A scoping period gives the public a chance to tell the BLM what issues and concerns they think should be addressed in an Environmental Assessment and alternatives to consider before the BLM begins drafting the document. This scoping period will run from Sept. 2 to Oct. 2, 2014.   Comments concerning the proposed action, alternatives and identification of environmental issues are most helpful. For additional information or to submit a comment, please contact Kalem Lenard at 719-269-8538 or email comments to Keep up with BLM Colorado planning efforts at

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.