BLM seeks public input on Ranegras Plains Energy Center solar project

Project could produce up to 700 MW of clean energy and power over 200,000 homes


Bureau of Land Management

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Yuma Field Office

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The February 5 meeting is canceled and may be rescheduled at a future date. Interested parties are encouraged to review all materials on ePlanning and contact the project team with questions.

LA PAZ COUNTY, Ariz. — The Bureau of Land Management invites the public to review and comment on the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed Ranegras Plains Energy Center solar project on 5,029 acres of public lands in La Paz County. The project would also include 56 acres of Arizona state lands and a gen-tie transmission line across six private acres. If approved, the project would produce up to 700 megawatts of clean electricity, enough to power more than 200,000 homes.

Ranegras Plains Energy Center, LLC requested a 40-year right-of-way grant to construct, operate, maintain, and eventually decommission a potential utility-scale solar facility and battery energy storage system. The project includes an associated 11-mile-long, 500-kilovolt gen-tie transmission line that would connect to the Ten West Link 500-kV transmission line.

“The BLM supports efficient development of renewable energy on our nation’s public lands to create clean energy and reduce carbon pollution from the power sector, which furthers the goals outlined in the Energy Act of 2020,” said BLM Yuma Field Manager Ray Castro. “We will continue to engage with Tribal, Federal, state, and local governments, local communities, stakeholder groups, and industry as we evaluate this project.”

In the coming days, a Notice of Availability will publish in the Federal Register to begin a 45-day public comment period. Project information is available at the BLM National NEPA Register where comments may be submitted via the “Participate Now” option (preferred). Comments may also be emailed to or delivered to BLM Yuma Field Office, Attn: Ranegras Plains Solar Draft EIS–Public Comment, 7341 E 30th St., Suite A, Yuma, AZ 85365-6525.

45-day public comment period for the draft EIS begins January 10 and ends February 25, 2025. The BLM invites you to participate by attending the upcoming virtual public meeting on February 5, 2025 at 6 p.m. The BLM will hold the virtual public scoping meeting for the project using the Zoom application, which is free to download and use.

To register for the Zoom Webinar (required), go to:

Instructions on the meeting pre-registration will also be available on the project website at the BLM National NEPA Register. For further information, or to request reasonable accommodations for the public meeting, please contact Derek Eysenbach at or 602-417-9505.

Since January 2021, BLM has approved 46 renewable energy projects on public lands (12 solar, 14 geothermal, two wind, and 18 gen-ties) and exceeded the goal to permit 25 gigawatts of renewable energy by 2025. Overall, BLM has permitted clean energy projects on public lands with a total capacity of more than 34 gigawatts – enough to power more than 15 million homes. This year BLM also issued a final Renewable Energy Rule that will lower consumer energy costs and the cost of developing solar and wind projects, improve project application processes, create jobs, and incentivize developers to continue responsibly developing solar and wind projects on public lands.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.