BLM seeks public comment on transmission line proposal



Media Contact:

Kyle Sullivan, Public Affairs Specialist

The U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), gives notice of intent to begin the process of evaluating an application for Right-of-Way (ROW) Grants amendments from Xcel Energy for the purpose of rebuilding three existing transmission lines located in parts of Saguache County and Chaffee County, Colorado. The three existing power lines cross Federal, state, and private lands. The three respective ROW Grants are administered by the BLM, San Luis Valley Field Office. 

The BLM will evaluate Xcel’s ROW Grants application and prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) evaluating the environmental impacts of the proposed action relative to reasonable alternatives. Under the proposed application, Xcel would rebuild three existing transmission lines that are nearing the end of their serviceable life within Saguache and Chaffee Counties. All three lines would be rebuilt within or immediately adjacent to their existing alignments and would maintain their existing capacities (voltage ratings). The transmission lines are as follows: 72.2 miles of Transmission Line 9811, which runs from the Poncha Springs Substation to the San Luis Valley Substation; 55.4 miles of Transmission Line 6905, which runs from the Poncha Springs Substation to the Mosca Substation; and 7.7 miles of Transmission Line 6920, which runs from the Villa Grove Substation to the Kerber Creek Substation.

The purpose of the public scoping process is to facilitate determination of the nature and range of issues to be addressed in the EA, including alternatives. Comments concerning the proposed action, alternatives, and preliminary identification of environmental issues, will be accepted from the public; local, state and Federal agencies; Tribes; and other interested parties in order to scope the EA and contribute to the decision-making process. Comments should be made in writing and must be received prior to August 28, 2013, to be considered for inclusion in the public record. Please send comments to Leon Montoya, BLM Project Manager; 1803 West Hwy 160; Monte Vista, CO 81144 or by email to

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.