BLM rescinds seasonal fire restrictions in New Mexico


Bureau of Land Management

Media Contact:

Santa Fe, N.M. – With Increasing moisture and higher humidity statewide, correlating to reduced fire danger, the Bureau of Land Management is terminating seasonal fire restrictions in New Mexico enacted by Fire Prevention Order #NM910-20-02. 

Beginning July 28 at 8 a.m., the restrictions are rescinded on all lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management within the State of New Mexico. 

“We appreciate the public’s compliance with these restrictions to reduce the number of accidental fires this season,” said BLM New Mexico State Director Timothy Spisak.  While the lifting of these restrictions will allow for the use of campfires, caution is still advised when outdoors as not all areas of the state have received equal amounts of moisture. It is recommended to plan your activity and go prepared when spending time outdoors by having a shovel, fire extinguisher and extra water on hand. Please take all precautions when operating vehicles and equipment in areas where dry grass and brush are present. 

The use of exploding targets will continue to be restricted by Fire Prevention Order #NM910-20-01.  This order can be viewed at the BLM NM Fire Restrictions site, along with printable and geo-locatable maps of where this restriction applies.  Additional fire restriction information can be found at   

For more information about this and other BLM fire restrictions in New Mexico, please contact Fire Education and Mitigation Specialist Teresa Rigby at 505-954-2256 or visit

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.