BLM Listening and Learning



BLM Office:

Oregon/Washington State Office

Media Contact:

Chris Strebig

Portland, Ore. – Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Oregon is encouraging the public to provide scoping comments for the six Western Oregon resource management plans (RMP) that provide natural resource management direction for the future of 2.6 million acres of public lands. The BLM held seven scoping public meetings throughout Western Oregon since May 16, 2012. The scoping period wraps up on July 5.“To help frame the issues BLM needs to consider, it is vitally important during the early stages of the land management planning process to hear from the public,” said Mike Mottice, State Director, Oregon/Washington BLM. “While the official scoping period ends July 5th, we will offer additional opportunities as the planning process continues to hear and learn from the public,” Mottice added.Scoping Comments So far in the planning process, the BLM has received a number of comments about the future of these western Oregon lands, including:

  • “If we are going to move forward in a sustainable way for our children we need a plan that bridges the divide between government and community, BLM and loggers, and environmentalists.” (Comment received May 30)
  • “I would like to participate in a working group on providing for true mixed use on these lands, while ensuring compliance with the O&C Act.” (Comment received May 21)
  • “Please open up this area for increased logging; for there are very few jobs to support a family.” (Comment received May 19)
  • “Oregon has become well known in the US as a bicycling destination, and I believe it is important to incorporate mountain bike trails into all new development of public lands.” (Comment received May 16)
  • “Manage BLM-administered land in western Oregon to further secure the recovery of threatened and endangered species, provide clean water, restore fire adapted ecosystems by letting older mature native growth completely alone, without disturbing at all, meaning, NO LOGGING!” (Comment received May 10)

Next Steps Upon completion of the scoping period the BLM will be sharing all of the public comments that were received. In the near future and throughout the planning process, the BLM will continue to provide opportunities for the public to help identify innovative approaches to such issues as how forests could be managed to contribute to endangered species conservation, improve overall forest health, and provide employment and revenue.The scoping period for the resource management plans for Western Oregon is ending on Thursday, July 5, 2012. Comments may be submitted via the following methods:

  • website:
  • email: BLM_OR_RMPs_WesternOregon @
  • fax: (503) 808-6333
  • mail: Bureau of Land Management ATTN: RMPs for Western Oregon P.O. Box 2965 Portland, Oregon 97208

Also, our summer issue of Northwest Passage, the BLM magazine for Oregon & Washington, features an article about this public outreach to balance the social, economic, and ecological values important to our communities.You can read it online at our blog or by pointing your smartphone at our QR code.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.