BLM finalizes supplemental rules for Gunnison Basin Travel Management Plan



Media Contact:

Shannon Borders, Public Affairs Specialist

GUNNISON, Colo. - The Bureau of Land Management is implementing supplementary rules for public lands included in the 2010 Gunnison Basin Federal Lands Travel Management Plan.  These supplementary rules provide for the improved management of off-road vehicle use and off-route mechanized (non-motorized) use on public lands in Gunnison, Montrose, Hinsdale and Saguache Counties, Colo.

“Over the past couple of years, we have worked collaboratively with the public and our Federal partners to develop  travel management plans that allow the BLM to mitigate damage to natural resources and provide for public safety by identifying appropriate routes on BLM-managed lands within the Gunnison Basin,” said Lori Armstrong, BLM Southwest District Field Manager.

Under the new rules visitors using motorized and mechanized vehicles on BLM public lands will be required to stay on designated roads and trails.  People can park up to 30 feet off of a designated road, and travel up to 300 feet on an existing route to camp or park.  The supplementary rules also provide for the closure of all lower elevation lands to motorized vehicles from March 15 to May 15 each year to protect Gunnison Sage-grouse lekking and brood rearing habitat.

For the specific rule language contact the Gunnison Field Office at (970) 642-4940 or go to refer to the Federal Register Notice. The final rules go into effect when the Federal Register Notice is published on Friday, Jan. 23.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.