BLM Colorado Rocky Mountain District to be led by Cathy Cook


Bureau of Land Management

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LAKEWOOD-- Cathy Cook has been named the new BLM Colorado Rocky Mountain District Manager.  She will begin her new position on May 14.

“Cathy brings an impressive background in management and leadership experience, with more than 23 years of experience in natural resources,” said BLM Colorado Acting State Director Greg Shoop. “Her knowledge, skills and abilities will be a welcome asset to BLM Colorado and the communities in the Rocky Mountain District.”

“This feels like coming home,” Cook said.  “It is good to be back in the Rockies and I look forward to working with the public and our partners, collaboratively tackling challenges and celebrating achievements in managing the amazing resources here in the Front Range.”
Most recently Cathy worked for the BLM in Washington, D.C. as the Deputy Division Chief for Fluid Minerals. Cathy began her career with the federal government as a geology student intern with the U.S. Forest Service in Missoula, Montana. She then worked in fire and mineral resource positions in Montana, Nevada and Colorado.  Her work as a geologist led to an interest in GIS and a position with the US Geological Survey’s Alaska Science Center as a digital data analyst. 
She spent a number of years in university administration and consulting positions before returning to federal service as a Supervisory Physical Scientist in Wyoming and as a Branch Chief in Arizona. 
“Being in the field and on the ground is important to me.  I take my responsibility as a land steward very seriously,” Cook said. “Multiple-use is a great concept and I look forward to the challenge of balancing conservation, resource uses and development.”
Cathy will lead staff and oversee management of 1.8 million acres of public lands and 12 million acres of federal minerals in the Rocky Mountain District, which encompasses the Gunnison, Royal Gorge, and San Luis Valley field offices.


The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.