BLM Challis Field Office Implements Temporary Closure of Challis Bridge Recreation Site
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CHALLIS, ID – Due to flooding conditions and ice jams along the Salmon River, the BLM is implementing a temporary closure at the Challis Bridge Recreation Site until water levels and weather improves. The recreation site is highly popular and provides easy access to the Salmon River but extreme weather with the combination of very cold air and strong winds created dangerously low wind chill values and froze the water resulting in ice jams.
The Challis FO had to close the site temporarily in 2014 at the request of the Sheriff’s Department when weather conditions were similar and numerous vehicles got stuck and had to be towed out after they broke through the unstable ice that covers this recreation area. “Deep pockets of air and water, under fragile ice, can be quite treacherous. Out of concern for public safety, we think it is best to close this area until conditions improve,” said Jason Oles, Challis Recreation Planner.
An ice jam refers to a build-up of ice that blocks the river’s flow causing the water upstream to slow down and rise higher. The rising water floods surrounding areas when the water level exceeds the channel or levee height. Flooding can also occur when a jam fails or breaks apart, rapidly releasing upstream water and creating a situation similar to a flash flood downstream (Idaho Office of Emergency Management). Cold temperatures make this a real safety concern if people are stuck along the river without help. The area will be signed closed until future notice. For an interesting piece of history of ice jams along the Salmon River visit the Idaho Office of Emergency Management.
Other trails and roads on public lands may have seasonal/winter closures, so please check with your local BLM office before visiting these areas. The BLM appreciates the public’s cooperation in these efforts. The BLM also urges the public to be careful when they recreate on public lands. Severe resource damage can and often does occur when vehicles travel on dirt roads in wet and icy conditions. For more information on this closure or for general information, please contact the BLM in Challis at 208-879-6200.
- BLM -
Note to Editors: A high-resolution photo of the flooding at Challis Bridge Recreation Site is available from the BLM Idaho Falls District Public Affairs Office. Please call Sarah Wheeler, (208) 709-2352 or email

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.