BLM approves expansion of the Coeur Rochester and Packard Mine


Bureau of Land Management

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Humboldt River Field Office

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WINNEMUCCA, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management Winnemucca District Office signed the Record of Decision approving the proposed expansion of the Coeur Rochester and Packard Mine. The Record of Decision approving the expansion was signed by BLM after compiling a thorough analysis of the environmental impacts associated with the proposal.

The mine complex, which encompasses both the Coeur Rochester and Packard pits, is located 26 miles northeast of Lovelock in Pershing County, Nevada.

“Sustainable mining on public lands is a vital source of revenue and employment for counties across Nevada. We’re pleased to be able to do our part to ensure that the Coeur Rochester and Packard Mines will continue to operate through 2033,” said BLM Nevada State Director Jon Raby.

Coeur Rochester, Inc. is expanding the existing Rochester and Packard Mine, which it has operated since 1986. The project extends the life of the mine through 2033, continuing the employment of the 302 current employees. An average of 58 temporary jobs would be added during the two years the expansion will be under construction.

Changes include expanding mining in the Rochester and Packard pits and moving, relocating or expanding heap leach pads, waste rock dumps, haul roads, access roads, and water pipeline and processing facilities.

Coeur Rochester, Inc. is currently authorized to disturb up to 2203.1 acres (approximately 164.6 acres of private land and 2038.5 acres of public land). The POA11 project will increase disturbance by an additional 2,815.4 acres (435.2 acres on private land and 2380.2 acres on public land).

The Final Environmental Impact Statement analyzing the environmental effects of the proposed expansion of the Rochester and Packard Mines, was published in the Federal Register Feb. 24, 2020. 

The Coeur Rochester and Packard Mine POA11 Project Record of Decision, Environmental Impact Statement, and approved Amendment to the Plan of Operations are available on our National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) ePlanning website at For further information, please contact Kathleen Rehberg, Project Lead, at 775-623-1500.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.