This Policy is Inactive

Special Forest Product (SFP) Firewood Load Ticket Color Synchronization by Calendar Year.

Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior

Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
Cheyenne, WY  82003-1828

In Reply Refer To:
5420 (930) P

November 7, 2019

Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2020-005
Expires 9/30/2023

To:        District Managers
        Attention District/Zone Foresters 

From:        Associate State Director

Subject:    Special Forest Product (SFP) Firewood Load Ticket Color Synchronization by Calendar Year.

Program Area:  Forestry

Purpose:  Timber trespass is an on-going issue throughout the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)  Wyoming, this action will decrease the potential for timber trespass and assist in providing a pro-active prevention program in the SFP arena.

SFP firewood load tickets are required to be used by the public who purchase SFP firewood from the BLM Wyoming.  Color synchronization by calendar year of the SFP load tickets used in Wyoming will assist the field and law enforcement personnel in ensuring that the public are harvesting/collecting appropriately paid for SFP firewood in the year that they are purchased and are not re-using load tickets by providing a simple color coded surveillance system.  This BLM Wyoming Instruction Memorandum (IM) is a reissue and update of the expired BLM Wyoming IM No. WY-2011-030. 

Administrative or Mission Related: Mission Related

Policy/Action:  Color synchronization will be based on the standard BLM Christmas Tree Tag colors and their years of usage.  The colors to be used for SFP firewood and their years of use are the following:

1-    Yellow – Calendar years 2020, 2023, 2026
2-    Pink – Calendar years 2021, 2024 2027
3-    Orange – Calendar years 2022, 2025, 2028
4-    Blue – to be used for other identified uses by the Field Office/ District.  This may include green wood fuelwood cutting units, specific post and pole units, cabin logs, or other purposes that the office wants to track separately for administrative purposes 

Budget Impact: None 

Background:  The BLM Wyoming before 2011 used three different SFP load tickets, Christmas Tree Tag (BLM Form 5450-10b), Special Forest Product Load Ticket (Form WY-5400-01),  and the Firewood Permit (WY-2920-01 – optional use).  Since 2011 the above color coordination and firewood load tag standardization has been required. 

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None

Coordination:  This IM has been coordinated with Law Enforcement (WY-911), the Districts and the Field Foresters. 

Contact: If you have questions pertaining to the use of SFP load tickets, please contact Joshua Jackson, Forestry Program Lead at (307) 775-6287.

Signed by:                                                  Authenticated by:
Lori Armstrong                                          Jessica Camargo
Acting Associate State Director                State Director’s Office

Director (WO-200), 1849 C Street NW     1 w/atch.  
CF                                                               1 w/atch. 


Wyoming State Office

Fiscal Year