Utah Bureau of Land Management -BLM- Motorized Travel and Transportation Management Planning Policy

Instruction Memorandum

IM UT 2012-066
Instruction Memorandum


August 21, 2012

In Reply Refer To:
8342 / 8321

Expires: 09/30/2013

To: District Managers, Field Managers, Planning and Environmental Coordinators, and Outdoor Recreation Planners

From: State Director

Subject: Utah Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Motorized Travel and Transportation Management Planning Policy

Program Area:  Planning, Recreation and Visitor Services

Purpose:  The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to provide supplemental state-specific guidance for the consistent application of national travel and transportation management planning guidance by all Utah BLM offices.  This policy includes land use planning and implementation-level planning supplemental guidance.

Policy/Action:  All Utah BLM field offices must develop travel management planning decisions in conformance with the national policies included in Title 43 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Subpart 8342, Designation of Areas and Trails (Attachment 4) and the BLM’s national Travel and Transportation Management Manual (MS-1626), and Travel and Transportation Management Handbook (H-8342).  These policies only apply to motorized travel management planning; however, this approach could be applied to non-motorized travel management planning efforts. 

Utah BLM’s Motorized Travel and Transportation Management Planning Policy (Attachment 1) is organized into five primary sections:

Section 1:  Pre-Planning Considerations

Section 2:  Land Use Planning Decisions and Considerations

Section 3:  Implementation-Level Planning Decisions and Considerations

Section 4:  Modifying Travel Management Planning Decisions

Section 5:  Travel Planning Documentation

In accordance with national policies, the BLM is required to designate Open, Closed, and Limited Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Management Areas in Resource Management Plans or plan amendments.  This IM requires all Utah BLM offices to eventually classify all Limited OHV Areas as Limited to Designated Routes in an RMP.  Utah BLM offices may not permanently designate Limited OHV

Areas as Limited to Existing Routes.  Utah BLM offices must establish designated route networks in implementation-level travel management plans.  To accomplish this effectively, Utah BLM offices must establish and update a travel planning priority timeline in accordance with WO IM 2010-082 Data Call for Travel Management Planning Accomplishments and Future Planning Timeline Development.

This IM also provides documentation forms for Utah BLM offices to customize during the evaluation process for designating OHV areas (Attachment 2) and OHV routes (Attachment 3).  At a minimum, the documentation of the interdisciplinary analysis of OHV designations must encompass all components included in Attachments 2 and 3.  Prior to designating each OHV area and each OHV route, an interdisciplinary team must evaluate and document any known or potentially foreseeable impacts to the following:

  • The Designation of Areas and Trails criteria outlined in 43 CFR 8342.1;
  • Any resources that must be considered under applicable statutes, regulations, or executive orders;
  • The goals and objectives for resource values and uses established in the applicable Resource Management Plan;
  • Any objects or values the BLM is required to manage/protect under statute or proclamation;
  • Any recognized purpose and need of the area and route, including, but not limited to, recreational, administrative, and/or authorized motorized travel; and
  • Any other local issues identified through internal and external scoping that should be addressed.

Implementation of this guidance does not require field offices to re-analyze existing BLM travel management decisions.  Field offices should utilize this guidance for all future travel planning efforts, including circumstances that would prompt the BLM to potentially change existing travel management decisions.

Timeframe:  Effective immediately.

Budget Impact:  Unknown.

Contact:  David Jeppesen, Trails and Travel Management Lead, Utah State Office, (801) 539-4233; David_Jeppesen@blm.gov.

Signed by:                                                                                           Authenticated by:
Jenna Whitlock                                                                                    Rosie Geren
Acting State Director                                                                           Records Manager


      1 – BLM Utah Comprehensive Travel and Transportation Management Planning Policies

      2 –RMP OHV Area Alternative Development Documentation Form

      3 –Evaluation Form for Interdisciplinary Route Analysis

      4 – 43 CFR 8342 - Designation of Areas and Trails