The Office of Management and Budget Renewal of Form OR 2812-6, Report of Road Use OR-IM-2018-001

Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior 
Oregon State Office
P.O. Box 2965  
Portland, Oregon 97208

NOV 24 2017

2812 (OR936.1) P 
Instruction Memorandum No. OR-2018-001 
Expires: 09/30/2021 
To:      All Western Oregon District Managers and the Lakeview District Manager 
From:     State Director, Oregon/Washington 
Subject:     The Office of Management and Budget Renewal of Form OR 2812-6, Report of Road Use 
Program Area:  O&C Reciprocal Right-of-Way Administration 
Purpose:  The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) renewal notification for Oregon State Office Form OR 2812-6, Report of Road Use. 
Policy/Action:  This instruction memorandum (IM) transmits the OMB renewal of  OMB Control Number 1004-0168 and the Oregon State Office Form OR 2812-6, Report of Road Use.  This form is effective through February 29, 2020.  There are to be no alterations to this form and all previous versions are invalid.  Form OR 2812-6 is available electronically. 
Timeframe:  This form is effective immediately upon issuance of this IM. 
Budget Impact:  None. 
Background:  Under the Oregon & California (O&C) Logging Road Right-of-Way Regulations at 43 CFR 2812, Form OR 2812-6, Report of Road Use, serves as a reciprocal right-of-way (RROW) permittee’s certified statement of road use required for RROW permits and agreements.  The report’s information is used to calculate payments for road use and maintenance and to monitor and verify the hauling of commercial forest products over Bureau of Land Management roads in western Oregon. 
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  Supersedes Illustration VIII-10 in the O&C Logging Road Right-of-Way Handbook; H-2812-1, Release 2-165, February of 2009. 
Coordination:  The renewal of Form OR 2812-6 has been coordinated with the OMB and Dustin Wharton, Oregon State Office Realty Specialist and RROW Program Lead (OR 936.1). 
Contact:  For questions or to obtain Form OR 2812-6 in excel format, please contact Dustin Wharton at (541) 471-6659. 
Districts with unions are reminded to notify their unions of this IM and satisfy any bargaining obligations before implementation.  Your servicing Human Resources Office or Labor Relations Specialist can provide you with assistance in this matter. 

Signed by 
Theresa M. Hanley 
Associate State Director     

Authenticated by 
K. Wentworth 
Records Section 

1 – Notice of Office of Management and Budget Action (2pp)
2 – Permittee Report of Road Use, Form OR 2812-6 (1p)
WO220 (Chris Schumacher, Mike Bechdolt) 
OR959 (Brian Thauland) 
OR936 (Lenore Heppler, Diann Rasmussen, Dustin Wharton) 


Oregon/Washington State Office

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