This Policy is Inactive

Modification of Guidance Found in the Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Assessment and Strategy for Oregon: A Plan to Maintain and Enhance Populations

Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Oregon State Office
P.O. Box 2965
Portland, Oregon 97208

In Reply Refer to:
6500/1600/3000 (OR-932) P

June 1, 2009

Instruction Memorandum No. OR-2009-038
Expires: 09/30/2010 Extended to 09/30/2011

To: District Managers, Branch Chiefs

From: State Director, Oregon/Washington

Subject: Modification of Guidance Found in the Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Assessment and Strategy for Oregon: A Plan to Maintain and Enhance Populations and Habitat (Oregon State Strategy)

Program Area: Wildlife, Special Status Species, Riparian, Realty/Energy, and Land Use Planning.

Purpose: This instruction memorandum (IM) provides modifications to guidance found in the Oregon State Strategy pertaining to the construction of wind energy grids (wind farms). The purpose is to maintain consistency with current science and recommendations provided by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW).

Policy/Action: The recommendation to limit the construction of wind energy grids (wind farms) to no closer than 8 km (5 miles) of known/occupied sage-grouse habitat (pg. 83, Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Assessment and Strategy for Oregon: A Plan to Maintain and Enhance Populations and Habitat, Oregon State Strategy) is reduced to a 4.8 km (3 miles) radius of sage-grouse lek sites. However, additional buffers, stipulations, or mitigation outside the 4.8 km radius should be considered to minimize loss of winter and brood rearing habitat and to address the ODFW’s objective of “no net loss” of critical winter and brood rearing habitats. Guidelines for additional buffers for wind towers include:

  1. Winter Habitat: Winter habitat has not been adequately inventoried in Oregon, and field units should consult ODFW personnel and internal Bureau of Land Management data to identify winter habitat and the connectivity corridors between habitats for protection with a 0.5 mile buffer. If telemetry or other data suggests habitat use patterns outside the 4.8km (3 mile) radius, that information should be used in determining buffers and stipulations.
  2. Brood Rearing Habitats: Generally comprised of a mosaic of upland vegetation intermixed with wetland sites. These areas can be more than 10 miles from lek sites. They are essential for sage-grouse survival and should be protected with a 0.5 mile buffer. ODFW personnel and internal BLM data should be considered to identify these sites.
  3. Access Roads and Power Lines: Consult the Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Assessment and Strategy for Oregon for guidelines (pgs. 83 & 84). In addition, ODFW is now recommending that ground-level structures (e.g., roads, buried power lines) not be sited within 0.5 miles of the nearest lek site. Whenever possible, linear activities such as roads and power lines should be combined into a single right of way corridor to minimize habitat fragmentation and disturbance.

Timeframe: This IM is effective immediately.

Budget Impact: Unknown.

Background: By signature (2005), the Oregon State Office (OSO) BLM adopted and agreed to implement where possible the Oregon State Strategy. In 2007, the BLM OSO provided guidance (IMOR2008-014) on the placement of MET towers in sage-grouse habitats that was not addressed in the Oregon State Strategy. The current Oregon State Strategy, August 2005 (pg.83), recommends that wind energy grids should be constructed a distance of 8 km (5 miles) from known/occupied habitat. Based on recent research (Walker et al. 2007, Doherty et al. 2008), the ODFW, concomitant with its wildlife mitigation policy, is now recommending that energy grids not be constructed within a 4.8 km (3 miles) radius of sage-grouse lek sites.
Additionally, ODFW has recommended a mitigation standard of “no net loss with net benefit”
for critical winter and brood rearing habitat outside of the 4.8-km (3 miles) lek radius in areas affected by wind farm development.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: Policy action taken is in accordance with national special status species management policy (Manual 6840).

Coordination: It is essential that all programs implementing or approving ground disturbing activities coordinate projects to ensure success with sage-grouse specific management goals. This IM has been coordinated with ODFW and Dwight Fielder, WO-230.

Contact: If you have questions regarding this IM, contact George Buckner, Wildlife Biologist, at 503-808-6382.

Districts with Unions are reminded to notify their unions of this Instruction Memorandum and satisfy any bargaining obligations before implementation. Your servicing Human Resources Office or Labor Relations Specialist can provide you with assistance in this matter.

Signed by
Michael S. Mottice
Associate State Director
Authenticated by
Paj Shua Cha
Records Section

2 Attachments
     1 – IM-OR–2008-014 (2 pp)
     2 – IM-OR–2007-073 (2 pp)

WO-230 (D. Fielder)


Oregon/Washington State Office

Fiscal Year