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Review of Draft National Scenic and Historic Trails Manual

NV IM-2012-011
Instruction Memorandum

In Reply Refer to:
8100 (NV930) P

United States Department of the Interior
Nevada State Office
P.O. Box 12000 (1340 Financial Blvd.)
Reno, Nevada 89520-0006


Instruction Memorandum No. 2012-011

To: District Managers and Field Office Managers, Nevada

From: Raul Morales Deputy State Director, Natural Resources, Lands & Planning

Subject: Review of Draft National Scenic and Historic Trails Manual

DD: 12/15/2011

Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum requests review of the attached draft National Scenic and Historic Trails manual.

Background: The 2006 National Scenic and Historic Trails Strategy and Work Plan directs the BLM to develop program policy. In 2009, the Executive Leadership Team reiterated support for National Scenic and Historic Trails program policy development and directed the NLCS Division to complete the manual series with the aid of an agency team. A BLM manual series team was assembled in 2010 and includes a network of subject matter professionals representing an array of BLM programs. Throughout development of the manual, the core team has been used extensively, the expertise of satellite team members has been sought on an issue-by-issue basis, and information has been gathered from Federal Trail Administrators.

The draft manual has undergone an internal informal agency review. Comments were received from several State and Field Offices, the Washington Office, the National Operations Center, and the Solicitor’s Office. Programs commenting on the draft manual included lands and realty, planning, engineering, recreation and visitor services, cultural resources, travel and transportation management, visual resources, NLCS, healthy lands, and minerals.

Changes have been made to the draft manual based on the comments received during the informal review process. These changes include: refining requirements for National Scenic and Historic Trails administration and management; clarifying planning requirements, including the requirement for National Scenic and Historic Trails to be addressed in land use plans, revisions, or amendments, as well as the opportunity for States to develop Statewide Trail Management Plans; strengthening policy regarding requirements to prevent substantial interference with the nature and purposes of National Trails, including reasonable efforts to avoid incompatible activities; removing trail liaison responsibilities and clarifying a lead State Office for issue coordination; and clarifying responsibilities and delegation of authority.

The National Scenic and Historic Trails are designated by Congress and are a component of the NLCS. The BLM is responsible for over 5,300 miles along 11 National Historic Trails and over 660 miles along 5 National Scenic Trails. National Recreation, Connecting, and Side Trails are designated by the Secretary after recommendation by the BLM. The BLM manages 539 miles along 35 National Recreation Trails.

Policy/Action: The attached draft manual contains general Bureau of Land Management (BLM) policy guidance for the administration and management of congressionally designated National Scenic and Historic Trails, and for the recommendation of National Recreation, Connecting, and Side Trails for designation. When finalized, this manual will provide the BLM its first unified policy for the National Scenic and Historic Trails program. This manual is the first in a two-part manual series. The second manual will provide detailed guidance to the BLM on inventory, monitoring, planning, and management of the National Scenic and Historic Trails.

Instruction: District and Field Offices have 21 days after issuance of this Instruction Memorandum to review and comment on the draft manual using the attached comment form. District and Field Offices are encouraged to review and provide comments on the draft policy guidance. The Nevada State Office (NSO) shall consolidate District comments and submit one set of comments for the State. The manual will then undergo review by selected interagency Trail Administrators, and one representative from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers.

Please send your District consolidated comments to Bryan Hockett, Associate State Archaeologist & BLM Nevada National Historic Trails Lead, at

Budget Impact: None.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.

Signed By:
Raul Morales
DSD, Natural Resources, Lands & Planning

Authenticated By:
Ellyn Darrah
Administrative Assistant

1 -Draft Manual 6200
2 -Draft Manual 6200 Comment Form