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Cultural Resource Protocol Annual Report

NV IM-2011-020
Instruction Memorandum

In Reply Refer To:
8100 (NV930) P

United States Department of the Interior
Nevada State Office
P.O. Box 12000 (1340 Financial Blvd.)
Reno, Nevada 89520-0006

December 20, 2010

Instruction Memorandum No. NV-2011-020
Expires: 09/30/2012

To: District Managers, Nevada

From: Deputy State Director, Natural Resources, Lands & Planning

Subject: Cultural Resource Protocol Annual Report

DD: 1/31/2011

The State Protocol Agreement between the Bureau of Land Management, Nevada (BLM) and the Nevada State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) calls for an annual report of BLM activities conducted under the protocol. The annual report’s contents are established in Appendix A of the State Protocol Agreement (SPA) signed in 2009. As noted in last year’s Nevada IM 2010-012, district and field offices were requested to adjust their information tracking to accommodate the reporting requirements in the 2009 SPA for purposes of reporting results in FY 2010.
It is now time to develop the information for FY 2010 report. Template spreadsheets have been included to standardize required reporting elements; these are included in the Attachment. Please be sure to spell out the district name on each page.

Specifically, the protocol requires that each District Office provide the State Office with the following specific information:

A. Inventory Needs Assessment documentation compiled by the State Office from needs assessment forms submitted to the SO as provided in Section I.B.1.b. Please forward these electronically to the SO by the due date; as appropriate, a CD with this information may be submitted.

B. A list of eligible properties including property type and the criteria under which each is eligible.

1. Criteria are defined using the relevant Secretary of the Interior’s significance criteria a, b, c and d, per 36 CFR 60.4;

2. Acceptable property types include archaeological, architectural, and those of cultural and religious importance.

a. Eligible archaeological resources shall be categorized by prehistoric and historic site types;

b. Eligible architectural resources shall be listed separately;

c. Properties of cultural and religious importance will be listed separately.

C. A list of properties determined ineligible, categorized by historic and prehistoric sites;

1. Site types include archaeological, architectural, and properties of cultural and religious importance.

a. Non-eligible archaeological resources shall be categorized by prehistoric and historic site types;

b. Non-eligible architectural resources shall be listed separately;

c. Properties of cultural and religious importance will be listed separately.

D. A list by Field Office of reports not submitted and a schedule for their completion and submission;

E. A list of proactive cultural resources projects and activities (i.e., Section 110 responsibilities), their nature, purpose and general location.

The Nevada State Office will ensure that a copy of the BLM federal fiscal year Annual Report on Cultural Resources is included.

The State Office will consolidate the information provided by the District Offices and send the report to the SHPO. Therefore, each District Office shall gather the above information for FY 2010, in electronic format as much as possible, using the template spreadsheets, and send it to Tom Burke, NV-933, by COB January 31, 2011. After completion, the State Office will include the final results in the folder for annual reports using the BLM NV Cultural Resources Sharepoint site.

If you have any questions please contact Tom Burke at 775-861-6415.

Signed By:
Michael R. Holbert
DSD, Resources, Lands and Planning

Authenticated By:
Ellyn Darrah
Administrative Assistant

1- Template spreadsheet


Nevada State Office

Fiscal Year