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Implementing BLM Manual Section 1745 (Introductions and Transplants) Delegation of Authority for Approvals

NV IM-2008-044
Instruction Memorandum

In Reply Refer To:
1203/1745 (NV910) P

United States Department of the Interior
Nevada State Office
P.O. Box 12000 (1340 Financial Blvd)
Reno, Nevada 89520-0006

May 16, 2008

Instruction Memorandum No. 2008-044
Expires: 09/30/2009

To: District and Field Managers, Nevada

From: Ron Wenker State Director, Nevada

Subject: Implementing BLM Manual Section 1745 (Introductions and Transplants) Delegation of Authority for Approvals

Purpose: The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to clarify the Delegation of Authority for approvals under Nevada’s new organization and to formalize procedures related to approvals of fish, wildlife, and plant introductions, reintroductions, and transplants.

Background: In accordance with Manual 1745 (as stated below), authority for approving reintroductions and transplants is at the State Director level and cannot be redelegated.

.16 Approval. State Directors are responsible for approving animal and plant introductions, transplants, and reestablishments. Approval cannot be redelegated to BLM District Manager. Supplementing or augmenting existing populations can be redelegated to BLM District Manager (See NV BLM Manual Section 1203 (2008).

Definitions important to understanding are provided below:

Introduction: The release, escape or establishment of an exotic species into a natural ecosystem (EO11987).

Augmentation/Restocking: The act of releasing animals or plants to maintain or enlarge an existing population of the same species within a specified area, sometimes call supplemental transplants. Augmentation includes, but is not limited to routine game fish stocking or reseedings.

Reestablishment (reintroduction): The act of releasing or planting native species into habitat formerly occupied by that species for the purpose or intent of creating self-sustaining populations in the wild state.

Transplant: The act of releasing or planting native species into habitat not previously occupied by that species for the purpose or intent of creating self-sustaining populations in the wild state.

Policy/Action: Procedures will vary for the two types of approvals:
1. For supplementing or augmenting existing fish, wildlife, or plant populations, approval will be in the form of a Decision Record signed by the District Manager or Field Manager.

For example, restocking with the same species following treatment would be considered an augmentation, not a reintroduction.

Generally, supplementing or augmenting existing populations fall under a categorical exclusion. However, each proposal must be evaluated against the extraordinary circumstances list (see Chapter 4 on Categorical Exclusions in the 2008 NEPA Handbook). The Decision Document completed for the proposed actions must outline that BLM has determined the decisions or action conforms to the land use plan and none of the extraordinary circumstances apply.

2. For introductions, reintroductions, or transplants of fish, wildlife, or plants into new areas currently unoccupied by these species, approval will be in the form of a Decision Record signed by the State Director. Procedurally, the District Manager will sign the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the environmental assessment (EA) and prepare a transmittal memorandum from the District Manager to the Deputy State Director, Resources, Lands and Planning (NV-930), recommending a decision regarding the action. A separate, unsigned Decision Record (separate from the FONSI) is prepared for the State Director’s signature.

The EA, signed FONSI, unsigned Decision Record, other supporting documentation including Section 7 consultation documentation, if necessary, and a 1-page briefing paper explaining the action, must accompany the transmittal memorandum. When received in the State Office, the package will be reviewed for completeness and a recommendation will be made to the State Director regarding approval.

Time Frame: This Instruction Memorandum is effective immediately.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: This Instruction Memorandum implements BLM Manual Section 1745.

Contact: If you have any questions on this IM, contact Elroy Masters at 775-861-6626

Signed By:
Ron Wenker
State Director

Authenticated By:
Ellyn Darrah
Administrative Assistant


Nevada State Office

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