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Executive Order (EO) 13287 (Preserve America) Data Call

NV IM-2008-018
Instruction Memorandum

In Reply Refer To:
8100 (NV-930) P

United States Department of the Interior
Nevada State Office
P.O. Box 12000 (1340 Financial Blvd)
Reno, Nevada 89520-0006

January 16, 2008

Instruction Memorandum No. NV-2008-018
Expires: 9/30/2009

To: Field Managers, Nevada Deputy State Directors and Staff Chiefs, NSO

From: Ron Wenker State Director, Nevada

Subject: Executive Order (EO) 13287 (Preserve America) Data Call

DD: March 1, 2008

Program Area: Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Program

Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) requests the assistance of all Nevada Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Field Offices (FO) to assist in completion of the 2008 Section 3 report required under EO 13287.

Policy/Action: This directive outlines information to be provided to BLM’s Cultural, Paleontological Resources and Tribal Consultation Division (WO-240) to complete the triennial Preserve America Section 3 progress report due to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Council) and the Secretary of the Interior on September 30, 2008. Using existing data, the Nevada State Office (NSO) is asking for the following limited information. Responses should be kept short and precise. Please provide NVSO with digital photos (500 DPI minimum) to illustrate projects.

Proactive Inventories

The BLM has come under intense scrutiny since the 2005 progress report on the level of proactive inventories it conducts, and how areas are selected and prioritized. The National Historic Preservation Act requires identification and evaluation of historic properties under agency jurisdiction, while the Archaeological Resources Protection Act directs agencies to develop plans and prepare a schedule for surveying lands likely to contain the most scientifically valuable archaeological resources. All FO are asked to address how they are meeting these requirements, including prioritizing and inventorying units of BLM’s National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS), establishing priorities for inventories outside NLCS units, the acreage of proactive inventories completed in the past five years (i.e., FY 2003-2007), as well as inventory plans for the future.


-What progress has been made in the FO since 2005 developing or expanding monitoring of cultural properties on BLM lands (e.g., Adopt-a-Site or Site Steward programs, Civil Air Patrols, use of BLM personnel)? How widespread are these efforts (e.g., regional, statewide)? How are these monitoring efforts funded and coordinated (e.g., most are probably occurring through our working relationship with the Nevada State Historic Preservation Office, but are there any others being implemented by other means such as grants, interagency collaboration, “friends of” groups)?
-Do the FO’s monitoring efforts involve use of formal methods of measuring the change in condition of cultural properties from an established baseline (e.g. using mapped photo points at a site to compare site condition at intervals over time)?
-How does the FO select cultural properties for monitoring (e.g., random sample, visibility, vulnerability, visitation, scientific importance)?

Leases and Transfers

Describe instances since 2005, if any, where cultural resources have been leased or transferred out of BLM ownership to non-Federal entities (e.g., R&PP transfers; Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act; Lincoln County Lands Act; other congressional acts; FLPMA 203 sales; withdrawals through Public Land Order). What mitigation occurred in such cases?

Partnership Project

Describe one exemplary cultural resource-related partnership effort in the FO and implemented since 2005 that furthers the objectives of Preserve America. Include information on partners, volunteers, funding, matching contributions, accomplishments, awards, public benefits, etc.

Heritage Tourism Project

Detail one exemplary cultural resource-related heritage tourism project in the field office, if any, undertaken since 2005. Describe the selection process of the cultural property, funding, economic benefit(s) to States, local communities, and/or Indian tribes, partner involvement, etc.

National Register Evaluation and Listing

Describe one exemplary project involving evaluation and/or listing of cultural resources on the National Register within the FO area. Examples might include: developing guidelines or context statements for evaluation of specific property types; agreements with tribes that improve communication for evaluation of property types; landscape overviews that facilitate evaluation of large numbers of properties in a specific geographic area; multiple property or collaborative National Register nominations; etc.

Timeframe: All FO are asked to submit the required information no later than March 1, 2008, to allow NVSO sufficient time to prepare a response to WO-240, which will further select and compile information before printing the final report by September 30, 2008.

Background: On March 3, 2003, President Bush signed EO 13287 to reaffirm the administration’s commitment to the Federal stewardship of historic properties, and to promote intergovernmental cooperation and partnerships for the preservation and use of historic properties. The EO 13287 formalized Preserve America as an administration initiative intended to support the efforts of local communities to preserve and maintain our Nation’s cultural and natural heritage. Previous BLM Preserve America reports can be found at:

The Council’s Advisory Guidelines on preparing progress reports was recently updated:

Responses to this IM are due to NV-930 no later than March 1, 2008.

Contact: Questions should be directed to Tom Burke, Archeologist, NV-930 at or by phone at (775) 861-6415.

Signed By:
Ron Wenker
State Director

Authenticated By:
Ellyn Darrah
Administrative Assistant


Nevada State Office

Fiscal Year