This Policy is Inactive

Population Census Requirements for Nevada Wild Horse and Burro Herd Management Areas

NV IM-2008-013
Instruction Memorandum

In Reply Refer To:
4710 (NV-930) P

United States Department of the Interior
Nevada State Office
P.O. Box 12000 (1340 Financial Blvd)
Reno, Nevada 89520-0006

November 1, 2007

EMS TRANSMISSION November 6, 2007
Instruction Memorandum No. NV-2008-013
Expires: 9/30/2009

To: Field Managers, Nevada Deputy State Directors and Staff Chiefs, NSO

From: State Director, Nevada

Subject: Population Census Requirements for Nevada Wild Horse and Burro Herd Management Areas

This Instruction Memorandum provides policy and guidance regarding wild horse and burro population census for herd management areas (HMAs) administered by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Nevada field offices. Consistent with BLM Manual 4710.4.41, annual population census is not required; rather a census every 2 or 3 years is sufficient to maintain annual appraisals of herd size in order to carry out removals of excess wild horses and burros, as needed.

However, due to the size and complexity of many of Nevada’s HMAs, aerial census must be conducted in the 12-18 months prior to a scheduled removal in order to have the best available information about population size and annual growth rate. If aerial census has not been conducted in the 12-18 months prior to a scheduled removal, the HMA will be removed from the gather schedule.

Additionally, conducting a post-gather aerial census is encouraged. Because wild horses and burros may move outside the HMA and return following the gather, post-gather population estimates may be too low. Conducting a post-gather population census 6-12 months following the gather operation should assist field offices in obtaining a more accurate estimate of the post-gather population.

Please contact Susie Stokke at (775) 861-6469 if you have any questions.

Signed By:
Ron Wenker
State Director

Authenticated By:
Ellyn Darrah
Administrative Assistant


Nevada State Office

Fiscal Year