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Nevada Reclamation Performance Bond Pool Coverage for Notice-Level Operations

NV IM-2006-006
Instruction Memorandum

In Reply Refer To:
3809 (NV-920) P

United States Department of the Interior
Nevada State Office
P.O. Box 12000 (1340 Financial Blvd.)
Reno, Nevada 89520-0006

Instruction Memorandum No. NV-2006-006 October 28, 2005
Expires: 9/30/2007

To: Field Managers, Nevada Deputy State Directors and Staff Chiefs, NSO

From: State Director, Nevada

Subject: Nevada Reclamation Performance Bond Pool Coverage for Notice-Level Operations

On April 22, 2005, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Nevada and the State of Nevada, Division of Minerals (NDOM) entered into an agreement whereby the Nevada Reclamation Performance Bond Pool (Bond Pool), administered by the NDOM, may provide the reclamation bond coverage for certain notice-level operations proposed under the 43 CFR 3809 regulations. The BLM in Nevada has accepted a statewide reclamation bond (NVB000493) from the NDOM. This statewide bond will provide coverage for those notice-level operations which the NDOM has reviewed and approved to be included in the Bond Pool.

Field Offices should consider a submitted notice to be adequately bonded when notified by the NDOM that they have accepted a notice-level operation into the Bond Pool, and that the Bond Pool is obligated for the amount referenced in the field office bond determination decision issued for that operation. The NDOM will notify (by facsimile) the appropriate Field Office of their decision by providing a copy of the letter sent to the involved operator approving their Bond Pool application (see attached example letter). The NDOM will also notify (by facsimile) the Nevada State Office (NSO) of their decision by providing a copy of the above-mentioned acceptance letter, along with a bond rider (Form 3809-4a) completed for the operator of the specified operation.

Questions concerning this Bond Pool procedure should be directed to Cindi Dragon in the NSO, (NV-923) (775) 861-6458 or Doug Driesner of the NDOM, (775) 684-7046.

Signed by:
Ron Wenker
State Director, Nevada

Authenticated by:
Pam Collins
Staff Assistant

1 – Example NDOM Letter (1 p)


Nevada State Office

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